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  1. willgree64 posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi all, i wondered if anyone can help with this, i am trying to set the float heights on my 1984 xj 600 my haynes manual says 16.5 to 18.5 mm but when you try that measurement the float is almost touching the carb, so i set thm at 22mm as a guess which resulted in flooding of two carbs.I am trying to set them because the carbs have been messed with by various others and were all over the place,the bike was running great up to 5000 rpm then struggleing after that as if fuel starvation.
  2. willgree64 replied to willgree64's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Just an update, double checked everything,no joy anyway the local breaker had a cdi and said if it didnt work i could bring it back so plugged it in started straight away ,happy now . cheers Simon.
  3. willgree64 replied to willgree64's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Thanks for the replies, its stopped raining now (13 hours non stop yesterday!) so i will go out and doudle check the earths etc,it will have to be ebay if no joy loads of cdi s for diversions on there not so much choice for pre diversion. Thanks simon.
  4. willgree64 posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hello all, just wondered if anyone could help with this one. I have an xj600 pre diversion, 1985 parked up last week running fine no problems,been away all week so put trickle charger on to top up battery,went to start up turning fine but wouldnt fire. Took plug out no spark while turning engine but noticed it would spark if ignition turned on and off which made me think it could be the pick up coil so i tested that with an ohm meter and it is within the figures in haynes manual i have also tested and cleaned all the obvious connections for continuity. Do you think the cdi could have died all on its own over the week it was idle ? the other thing is the bike lives outside with an ordinary cover on it i have heard of cdi,s getting damp/wet if it is cdi anyway any thoughts would be welcome. Thanks Simon.
  5. willgree64 posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    New to the forum and just thought i would post a before and after picture of my bike.I think it had been left outside for years. On the road now but still needs some things wouuld like to restore it properly one day. Cheers Simon.
  6. willgree64 posted a post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hi all just like to introduce myself, i live in south wales and have had bikes since i left school (31 years ago ! ) I have been in and out of work for a while so funds are tight but managed to get a 1984 pre diversion xj600 which i have now managed to get roadworthy. I would like to restore it properly one day but its all to do with funds.
  7. willgree64 replied to willgree64's post in a topic in Classics
    Ah well tried all day messing with this,IMPOSSIBLE and of course half the engine bolts are seized so only one thing for it,Hacksaw! had to cut a hole in the back of the box and it went in thank goodness for Tiger seal and superglue my favorite So if your building a bike you bought in a box airbox before engine!
  8. willgree64 posted a post in a topic in Classics
    Hi all, new to the forum and looking for some advise. I have just bought a 1985 yamahaha xj600 to do up, ive had one before all be it 20 years ago! anyway the air box was badly broken ( where it meets carbs was missing )so i have got a replacement but now trying to fit it looks unbelievably like the engine has to come out!.I have tried it always,starter out, inlets off still no joy any help would be gladly received. thanks Simon.