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Everything posted by Dean_DT

  1. Dean_DT replied to Dean_DT's post in a topic in General
    Cheers guys, am watching ebay for a servo setup so hopefully turn one up sooner or later I wasnt happy that what id done yesterday was any good,as the valve cover was on 180deg out of where it should have been so i pulled the Cover off again and had another look. figured i was better off dropping the exhaust off so i could actually see what was what. I put the PV into its fully open position, then wound it back 180 degrees and bolted it all back up. Absolutely spot on Ok so its now back to being pretty restricted, (at least there's no further restrictions due to the exhaust setup) but for me thats just what i want for now. a bike i can get used to riding on without having to thrash the arse off it to get it going!
  2. Dean_DT replied to Dean_DT's post in a topic in Projects
    Sad times! onto bigger and better things i hope?
  3. Dean_DT replied to Dean_DT's post in a topic in Projects
    Update: Fitted new throttle cable, Bar grips and new Levers. makes such a difference i think!Need to paint bars black now though, blue really isnt working! Also chucked a new air filter in as old one had a hole in it! Fiddled with PV, has made the bike slightly better but will have to wait til saturday to test it out properly. Think im still going to have to go over everything make sure its all set right, clean carb, new plug, adjust 2T pump,throttle cable, etc etc. Also Spotted that the clutch cable is routed wrong, so maybe this has something to do with the cable being quite stiff.
  4. Dean_DT replied to Dean_DT's post in a topic in General
    But then dont see that many about for sale, so may have to defect to another well known yamaha contender.....
  5. Dean_DT replied to Dean_DT's post in a topic in General
    TDR250 is what i want next year..... Just at the mo im trying to get used to riding the bike, slow speed controls and manoeuvres etc but with sod all power until you kick the arse out of it its gonna be rather difficult!
  6. Dean_DT replied to Dean_DT's post in a topic in General
    Ok so had a play with this today, to be honest i dont know if what i did was exactly the right way to do it, but it seems to have made some difference, i now have more go low down and power comes in around 3.5/4k rpm. Wont be able to test it properly until sat but will update then! Basically i took housing off which contains the lock pin. span the valve back 180 degrees, flipped housing to match pin location, and reassembled. Only thing that concerned me is that the housing now doesnt line up with the casing as it looks like it should, ie it looks like it is now 180degrees out, whereas if i had returned it to factory, surely it would have looked out before, and be right now?? Either wasy, it seems to have had the desired effect so i shall leave it alone for now and test it out saturday. if it doesnt work properly i will go through the owners manual and set everything up properly again, autolube, carb,plug,throttle,chain etc etc so bike is 100% as it should be and should in theory be better eh...
  7. Dean_DT replied to Dean_DT's post in a topic in General
    yeah i will. first things first its going back in the original factory position! once iv rode the bike a few times and got used to it i can tweak it up a bit, its just pretty much unrideable for me at the mo, every time it hots the powerband i think im gonna come straight off the back!
  8. Dean_DT replied to Dean_DT's post in a topic in General
    Cool, will give that a go tomorrow hopefully
  9. Dean_DT replied to Dean_DT's post in a topic in General
    Yup im pretty sure your right on the money there OG, sure i read that there is a cutout for the pin. so in theory all id need to do would be to find the happy medium and then cut a new slot in to pin it in place?
  10. Dean_DT replied to Dean_DT's post in a topic in General
    Not taken it off yet fella. As for a pulley i dont think there is, there is no cables or anything on this type of PV. they came into the country permanently fixed closed so no servo, pulley or anything.
  11. Dean_DT replied to Dean_DT's post in a topic in General
    From the very little info i can find online about the non servo type PV, its normally fixed in by a pin/screw in the closed position. id guess mine has been turned 180 degrees clockwise already and pinned, thinking maybe i could find somewhere in between where it should bem, and where it is now, then make my own hole for it and pin it say halfway? I just need a bit more oomph below 6k, and not so much neck snapping above it would be nice!
  12. Dean_DT posted a post in a topic in General
    Hey peeps, now i dont know much about what has been done to my DTR other than a full Bigone system, and im 99% the PV ( non servo) has been pinned open. I know most people would say im being a big girl, but am new to bikes and the way the power comes in at 6k is just BRUTAL! Far too animalistic for someone with very little skills or confidence on a bike! My mates CRF250 ( an before anyone says it, theres nothing wrong with it!) doesnt pull as hard as the DT does when it comes on the power at the mo! Plus tbh id prefer some power a bit lower down for using it around town etc when i start using it as my main transport. Do i just take it out, and flip the metal arm back 180 degrees counter-clockwise to put it back to factory position?
  13. Dean_DT replied to Dean_DT's post in a topic in The Bar
    Yeah baby, got em and matching to boot now just to hope the bike isnt knicked! such an optimist me eh!!!!!
  14. Dean_DT replied to Dean_DT's post in a topic in The Bar
    Awesome, i might actually have one then haha will go take a look in a bit seeing as my mate never did have to have a look for engine number too, hope they match eh!
  15. Dean_DT replied to Dean_DT's post in a topic in The Bar
    That is where mine is. how many digits is your frame num nev?
  16. Dean_DT replied to Dean_DT's post in a topic in The Bar
    ok so say i cant match those numbers, and cant find/see a frame num, can i still register the bike or is it gonna need a new frame?
  17. Dean_DT replied to Dean_DT's post in a topic in The Bar
    SO if that was the case, will i just be able to use the engine number as frame number to register it?
  18. Dean_DT replied to Dean_DT's post in a topic in Projects
    pic of the bikes from yest before we set off, unfortunately camera batt died so didnt have chance to get any of them once they'd been used in anger!
  19. Dean_DT replied to Splund's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    I really like what you've done there. Looks properly good does that
  20. Dean_DT replied to Dean_DT's post in a topic in The Bar
    Thats the problem, i dont have a V5c, i need to apply for one, but im gonna need the VIN!
  21. Dean_DT replied to Dean_DT's post in a topic in The Bar
    It has been powdercoated, but i can still see another number on there? unless the vin plate/num would have been ruined by shotblasting?
  22. Dean_DT replied to Dean_DT's post in a topic in The Bar
    christ, your ears burning then?? what does it look like on yours NEV? mine has a weird number on it, mate is gonna have a look for that number now and message it to me will post up shortly
  23. Dean_DT replied to Dean_DT's post in a topic in The Bar
    there was something there, but not what id expect a VIN to look like. will check again tomorrow and post up what i have, but sure it wasnt a 17 digit number... Will ask NEV
  24. Dean_DT posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi guys, about to try and register my DT125R but looked on the headstock today (which is where i was told vin was?) and theres nothing there. Pleeeease tell me its stamped somewhere else as i dont want to have bought a ringer! Getting worried now..... done dvla vehicle enquiry and gives me this The vehicle details for F490 GTU are: Date of Liability 01 10 2011 Date of First Registration 07 01 1989 Year of Manufacture 1989 Cylinder Capacity (cc) 124CC CO2 Emissions Not Available Fuel Type Petrol Export Marker Not Applicable Vehicle Status Licence Not Due Vehicle Colour WHITE Vehicle Type Approval Vehicle Excise Duty Rate for vehicle 6 Months Rate £0.00 12 Months Rate £16.00 Date of liability means its on sorn until 01/10/2011 right? so someone has had it on road recently as sorn is 12month agreement right?
  25. Dean_DT posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hey guys, have been searching for info on PV setups for last couple of days, but all the info i can find is for servo controlled PV setups, which i dont think mine is. My bike feels real flat until you hit 6.5/7krpm, then its on full power. Was told this sounds like the powervalve being pinned fully open? So am i right in thinking that providing its non servo, it would have come from the dealer pinned fully closed and so restricted heavily? And if that is the case, is there any way of getting a happy medium? i will be using the bike for a lot of town riding, so low down power would be useful, but i also want to have the extra grunt at top end! am i going to have to buy a servo, motor etc etc? cheers in advance