I am seaking help diagnosing a headlight problem. It is an 85 XJ700 Maxim. All lights, and horn, work except the headlight. The headlight is not coming on, low nor high. The headlight bulb filaments, low and high, are fine. I even tried a new bulb. I found two small glass fuses under the seat, rated 30 amps each. They look fine. I changed their position, not that i think it would help, and nothing improved. All of the wiring on the bike appears to be intact and unaltered. The front turn signals come on, and blink. The rear signals are off, until they blink. The brake is on, and works when breaking. As far as I can tell the only part not working is the headlight. Is there a common part or problem on these bikes? I have zero motorcycle know how. I have a multi meter, but have no idea what to check or what are my references.