Everything posted by kearnsy123
petrol leak
since i put the fazer in the garage everytime i went in im getting a smell of petrol ? i put paper down under fazer and noticed a few drips comein from what look like over flow or breather pipes any ideas ??? is this normal ?? any advice would b great thanks
bike restriction
well took the fazer and got it restricted dismorning and fuck me its quick but also it feels safe and comfortable to drive after the restriction i havent got off it all day the loss of power isnt really noticeable only on top end power . but it does the speed limits and gets there fast . ive drove most bikes out there but as well as my tdr its another great buy and im very impressed and happy with it. thanks for all the advise everyone
fazer advice
can u spray paint the four exhaust manifolds on the fazer ? or get them back newish looking ??
bike restriction
thanks pat but ive booked it int cityspares left a deposit . i was goin to bikeworld but got in touch with cityspares and arranged it with them . i had to leave 150e deposit wich covers the kit if i dont return . i get the f1 cert with it then i seen ur post ... dammm ! thanks for ur help and advise ....il b on the fazer by nxt week give the tdr a break !!!!
bike restriction
cityspares dublin ! has anyone here ever had any dealings with them ?
fazer 600 oil
ok thanks
fazer 600 oil
whats the best oil to use in a 2000 fazer 600 ?
bike restriction
thanks for replys its booked in for saterday !
bike restriction
well ive bin ringing around garages to get the fazer restricted and cheapest is " bikeworld" they will do it for 275 euro fittied inc an f1 cert . cant sit my test until bike is restricted ..... back on my tdr for now !!
bike restriction
i just bought a fazer 600 but bfore i can insure it my insurance want a copy of the restriction cert . i would like to no were in dublin .kildare etc would b the best place to get the bike restricted ?? iv seen kits on ebay for cheap and come with cert would that do ? or do i need a garage to suply n fit and issue cert ? any advise would b great as i cant wait to get it on the road !!!!
fazer advice
cant upload pics !!!!!!!
fazer advice
cant upload pics ??? 2wheels pm me ur email add and il send sum pics
fazer advice
sounds good 2 wheels im in kildare all the insurance want is the cert . they said today i could even fax a copy to them . yea pm me the number tanx il try get sum pics up
fazer advice
well collected the fazer today and i hav to say its a great bike . it has a cupple of extras like heated grips n a chrome chain guard and rad guard both with fazer on them and a carbon shark exhaust system . over all ounce i gave it a goin over its in very good condition and starts on the botton . for sum reason it has blue wheels on it the bike is black but looks good il try up load sum pics . thanks again for all the advise
Ybr 125
my mate just bought one and we done sum reserch on here bfore he did buy . there a great bike and nice to drive
fazer advice
with other than him self there are 2 previous owners
fazer advice
and its a 2000 reg bike
fazer advice
theres 40 thousand kms on the bike . il pop back over diseve with a mate and have another check . thanks
fazer advice
no the ticking sound is when shes idle,n ???? comeing from both sides of engine block could it b the exhaust ?? ive that ibt course comeing up soon then my full licence test so she wont b restricted for long . thanks again fo all the advice deposit left im picking it up friday !!!!
fazer advice
well went and viewed the fazer diseve and i have to say i was impressed . i checked for rot etc and it looks good .i done the wheel check u said n that was good . it started on thr botton from cold i let it warm up a bit and held the ruv at 3000rpm and it was steady as a rock , i listened to both side of endine for chain noise alto i didnt hear any chain noise there was a ticking sound like the sound car fuel injectors make would this b anything to worry about ?? i took it for a spin not two far just enuf to go up and down the gears and "F_ _ K ME" theres plenty of power there sadly ive to restrict the one i buy to 33kw . there was a bit of a rattle outa the drive chain two maybe it was due to me driving in a high gear two slow i dunno . but its tempting . im just causious as i want a good one
fazer advice
goin to view a 2000 yamaha fazer 600 tomorow is there anyting i should look out for when buying a 2nd hand fazer any advice would b great thanks
witch bike !
2000 fazer 600 or 2000 bandit 600 witch bike would u buy ???
wel went to view it and its not for me . the hole engine on the gear side was badly coroded and was the hole exhaust system and rear foot peg was rusted to bitz . started up grand but very clunke goin into gear ? thanks for the replys il keep looking
- ybr 125 manual
Given the choice would you wear a helmet?
i wear all the gear at all times . as a retired motorcross driver hitting the dirt was hard enuf i can only imagen how the road feels . as a previous post said id rather b sweaty and smelly than no teeth and road rash up to bitz !