Everything posted by kearnsy123
bike advice
A friend of mine is leaveing for canada soon and he asked me if i wanted to buy his bike its a 2003 honda cbr 600rr its looks amazing . Im seriously thinking of buying it as hes doin me a good deal . I cant affored an R1 at the min so this is affordable alto the missus will prob throw me out haha but i no its no yamaha but has anyone any advice on these bikes are they a good bike . He never had a problem with it bit he hardly used it . Thanks
fazer fzs gauge lights
Ok il check thanks
fazer fzs gauge lights
Hows everyone i havint bin on here in a wile due to a new baby and enjoying every minuite of it . Anyways i got a half hour tou self today and went on a spin . Battery was dead in tje fazer dismorning so charged ot up for a wile then off i went met up wit my mate on his slow as ybr125 but how in ever he only starting so i stuck wit him . Diseve on the way home the light went off on half my gauges eg fuel gauge and half the gauge next to it . I was just wondering is it an easy fix . Do i just replace bulbs etc any help would b great .. thanks and happy christmas everyone !
- tyre pressure
tyre pressure
Anyone no that bar tyre pressure goes in the tyres on my fazer fzs 600 ? Theres nothing in the manual ??
fazer fzs advice
What would b the best sparkplug to use in my fazer fzs 600 ??
well over the weekend i done my ibt course . before i booked it i looked around andgot some info. most of the bigger companys were just were just men who done a course to teach a course then i came accross a guy called mick finlay an rsa approved instructor from kildare and i hav to say what a man . he maybe an instructor but a tru biker he showed me stuf over the two days on my fazer that would make me feel id pass any test not ones did i feel i was on a course he made it fun and enjoyable i would highly recomend mick finlay to anyone . nxt is my full licence test and with micks help im sure il no problems passing that .....
- fazer advice
fazer advice
ive noticed a rattle comeing from my fazer when stoped at lights etc it only happens when the clutch is out . when i pull the clutch in theres no rattle . any idea what could b the problem ???
fazer advice
cant stop driving it . i tink the wife is leaveing !!! lol
taken a trip !
well what a week in bonnie scotland 25 degrees the past few days burned to a crisp . just finished a full service on the fazer as its cheaper to buy parts dis side of the water than rip of ireland . early start again tommorow long journey home .cant wait . !!
taken a trip !
yes mate sorted the leak im ashamed to say that it looks like i had two much fuel in the tank !!! made it to scotland with no problems rain stayed away two wich was a bonus . im sitting here in suderness caravan park havin a few beers ... have a week of this good rainy scottish weather . lol
taken a trip !
dont really mind the weather gona leave a bit earlier just in case .. just hope the fazer gets me there !!
taken a trip !
well thats the wife and kids on route to lockerbie scotland there flying into glasgow and been collected other end . my journey starts on my new fazer at 7.30 in the morning to belfast port then ferry to stranrair and then on to lockerbie . cant wait the amount of times i done the journey by car i always said sum day id love to do it by bike . the roads and countryside in scotland are just brilliant .. i hope the bike doesnt break down.. lol .
petrol leak
yes mate wen u take the hole petrol cap off there is a hole to the left when i blow up the tube it comes out the hole . but what ur saying it sounds about right . the bike was perfect witout the kit fitted and now this . ive seen the washers that went in and there is a major difference . dont no what to do now .
petrol leak
ur right !!! but no 1 no..s what is causing petrol to drip from that tube . i can blow trew it and its the pipe that drains water from the petrol filler cap . the larger of the drain holes . so how is there petrol comeing down it .!!
petrol leak
just back from a spin and there is still petrol comeing from the petrol cap drain tube . it has my head wrecked !! im just goin to block the tube !
quick question !!!
ok i just used a small bit and am just back from a long spin wich used a full tank . wont b uesing it again if its corrosive !!
petrol leak
right i took petrol cap off cleaned everything blew up each hose to make sure there not blocked then fit cap back on . started up the bike let it idle for a wile and still a bit of a drip of petrol comeing from overflow ?? next i added a shot of redex and drained the four carbs then started the bike n let it idle . repeated this 3 times and i think the petrol leak has stoped . will check again soon just to b sure !
quick question !!!
i only used a small shot bottle to a full tank 2.99 in halfords
quick question !!!
i just serviced the bike and it runs good . was told to use it to try free up wat ever is making the float stick . to stop petrol leak
quick question !!!
redex has anyone ever used it ??
petrol leak
thanks for the reply .i wouldnt no were to start to remove carbs. the bike was perfect untill i got it restricted and hasnt bin driven since excpt to petrol station to fill it up . untill i sort insurance on it . so its back to place that restricted it .
petrol leak
ok i just lifted tank up to c was there any kinked lines etc . i also gave the carbs a tap to c if its a stuck float etc . the drips become quicker when engine is running . i cannot drive the bike with petrol dripping nxt to exhaust.
- petrol leak