Everything posted by kearnsy123
i think il have to sell my fz6
Cant insure it in uk . Looks like my bikeing days r over
reg plate advise
Ok found out today i cannot drive the bike on my provisonal licence in the uk ..... not happy at all its just sitting there in the garage and im dieing to take it out ... could anyone tell me were i stand with my provisonal A licence and ive done my IBT course also ive repeated my module 5 ..... would this mean anyting to me in uk
reg plate advise
How would i go about insureing it and tax it for a year in uk ?? It jas a years irish tax on it
reg plate advise
Grand thanks dirtydt
reg plate advise
Ive moved from ireland to scotland and was wondering how i go about changing my irish reg on my fz6 to a uk plate does it cost much etc and would i have to do it ?
MOT Question
No mot over here
MOT Question
Well after a great weekend in scotland apart from the seat been sore on the backside im well impressed by the yamaha fazer fz6 ... just a quick question im moveing to scotland in 3 weeks and was wondering how hard is the mot on bikes my fz6 just had new tyres ..service chain and sorikets are all good just she had a bot of a fall bfore i purchaced it and the left side engine caseing is all scratched and the handle bars are slightly off but doesnt effect the steering in anyway would this fail ?? Thanks
licence advise
Yes ive changed my licence for the plastic type and also done the ibt and repeated the module 5 to lift the restrictions and am no able to drive any bike whatever the cc on a provisnal and will get away with this for at least 5years but thats only in ireland ... i reckon do my test bfore i go anywere
licence advise
I currently hold a provisnial A licence and have done my ibt and module 5 again and in ireland i am allowed drive any bike..i drive an fz6 fazer and a cbr f4i . im moving to the uk scotland soon and am wondering were do i stand on driving these bikes in uk on my current licence ?? Any advise would b great Thanks
makeing the move to scotland
Me and the family are moveing to scotland in the nxt cupple of weeks im heading over on Friday on my fazer fz6 to sort out accommodation so if anyone from there and is out friday between Cairnryan and Lockerbie b sure to giv a nod and say hello ...
98 FZS 600 - anybody owned one please?
Ive owned a 2000fzs and a 2002 model great bikes
Im just wondering what everyone does when u get a puncture .. ive never got one yet but I do a lot of driving up the wicklow mountains and would hate to b stranded up there with a flat tyre !
the dam fazer clunk
Well after a few youtube video s and a bit off pratice "blipping" the trottle as they call it to match the revs works just hav to try get the teknike right Thanks for all the advice
the dam fazer clunk
Thanks il giv the oil change ago
the dam fazer clunk
Its a head wrecker I dont want to do any damage . What oil did u use ?
the dam fazer clunk
Is it me r are fazer gearboxes clunky first to second sumtimes third . And same comeing back down . Ive had the early fazer some call it the dark fader then ive had the fox eye and now I have the fazer fz6 . Its si annoying would it b the oil ???
petrol leak
2000 reg fazer fzs 600 constant petrol dripping from over flow r breather tube which runs down nxt to exhaust till I moved it . Lol any idea what s causing it . When parked up at nite nxt mprning theres about a litre of petrol in the tub under bike . Now he just tolde he does fill the tank to the top but would it cause this much to leak out ?
Thinking of a new bike.
Fazer fz6 plate
bike advise
Thanks for the advise he went for a honda varadero 125 instead . Good commuter but slow as feck I drove it home for him last night
bike troubles Any Help wont start
What bike is it ?
bike advise
Are the reliable etc ????
bike advise
Ive never heard of them till now are they jap or Chinese make ??
bike advise
Friend of mine is thinking of buying a hoysoung comet gt 250 would like any advise on these r they any good etc thanks
who makes Arai helmets
Haha just wondering as I picked up an arai rx7 crosair diseve and just wondering if its the real deal
who makes Arai helmets
And were are they made ??