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  1. AndyAdamson posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    My XT125X requieres alot of choke each time i start it up. the mixture is very weak and so the bike struggles to start in the morning. is there anyway of increasing the mixture so it starts. just recently i had to bump start it via the hill i live on because it simply wounldnt start. Also--- Do all the XT125X's requier alot of choke in order to start?
  2. YES! That part is almost identical other than the switch itself being green and not black. thanks a lot man, appreciate your help =) i'll buy this part now. Once again thanks for your help. =)
  3. It's an 09 XT125X. i should of got an image in the first place. to help describe what i was saying. I've just got no clue to be honest what im really talking about. it took me long enough to even realize it was a break light switch, lol :/
  4. It looks like this IMAGEHowever it is made of plastic not metal like you see here. now were you see the screw in thread with the switch/ button is the little black pin. this screw thread is completely snapped of. gone. destroyed. kippo. there is no way whatsoever of mounting the switch back onto the leaver. and this has been my problem. i've been looking for a new replacement part but i can't find it. hence why im posting for urgent support on the forum.
  5. Thanks for the reply, and yes, the brake light does operate with my fingers when pressing the switch down. it is purely the fixing that is broken. the screw-in thread that mounts the switch to the brake leaver has snapped, meaning the switch is no longer connected / touching the break leaver atall leaving it on. Would it be easier to buy a knew switch, since the thread has snapped off in the leaver, i managed to get it out but i damaged the threads further i doubt i could glue it and stick it back in. --- edit, Bolt?? the switch and screw in thread are as one component, the switch is screwed into the leaver and this is what has snapped.
  6. Hi, Recently bought a Yamaha xt125x but it has a broken break light switch of some sort. I've never owned a motorbike before so this is my first 125 running on L Plates with CBT. I have very little technical knolledge on the bike so i'm asking the pro's. The component im talking about appears to be a switch for the brake light. it is the component that connects to the brake leaver and had a blue and red wire connection to it. the switch has a sort of pin device that when pushed in turns on and off the light. the thread that screws into the leaver has snapped making the light remain on always. i've searched around and most results are diffrent to what i need. does anyone have any advice/help for me. the component name, and places i can buy would be great. Thanks, Andy