Everything posted by Battered
My Thread That Got Locked
Why did the thread get locked? Wtf is going on? So it's ok to have jokes about wogs and pakis, lol, but it's not allowed if a group of white redneck racist separatists are the target of the joke? FFS, I've heard it all now. Next you'll be telling me that the Imperial Klans of America and their mates in Combat 18/Blood & Honour are really nothing more than neighbours who get together to share a bottle of Pimms. This is the Random Sub-Forum, which as far as I can tell is meant for anything that doesn't fit into the other Sub-Forums. So as far as I'm concerned, if you lock the thread and refuse to let us have our say, then you obviously have something to hide. Ron Edwards and the IKA were sued by the SPLC cos of an assault a while ago, and Ron Edwards' son formed a group that had somebody arrested for plotting to kill blacks, including Barack Obama. Edwards himself was in court in 1999 due to plotting to kill the co-founder of the SPLC, who just happens to be a darkie. As you can see, I'm no raving lefty, in fact I used to be involved in the right wing movement, and that's why I can laugh at jokes about ethnics and whites. But to say the Klan isn't involved in any violent racist activity, is just laughable. No doubt this thread will be locked too, or even deleted, but hopefully some of you will get to read it before that happens. I must admit, I did piss myself when I read all of that other thread. Fuck sake, us honkies are supposed to be able to laugh at anything, even Hitler had a sense of humour, he used to love Charlie Chaplin. LOL
Ride Out South Oakdean Cafe to boxhill
I may see you there, I'll be wearing a black Simpson RX1, aka Simpson Starwars. And probably a set of Crowtree leathers,.........GSXR colours. LOL And no, they don't match my bike, but my other leathers seem to have shrunk a tad.
Having A Drink
I was sitting down chatting to a girl in the pub last night. One thing lead to another and before I knew it I was groping her tits. She said, "Everybody is looking, do you want to go somewhere a little more private?" I thought, "You kinky bitch" as I slipped two fingers into her fanny.
Shit, my maths is worse than I thought!! I started riding in 1976, so thats 35 years isn't it. PMSL.
You can't put a can on a 1 piece exhaust. I know all about loud pipes, I've been riding 31 years. LOL.
Moscow ride on a R1
Ghostrider has recently got back from filming at the Nurburgring on his GSXR and in his Subaru, Ghostrider 6.66 will be finished soon. He's coming over with the new Hayabuse he built next weekend for the World Wheelie Event. The Black Prince made the first silly bike vid. He did ok on the first lap, but fucked himself on the second. Big crash on his GSXR1100 ended his filming career. And his life.
The Gay KK
Cheers guys, I'm debating whether or not to put a race pipe on it. I love the sound of them, but I'm also loving the ability to open it up without every copper hearing it when I give it some. Decisions, decisions........
Changing sprockets, chain and fork seals, 1st time!
Saying hello and introducing yourself, generally gets you the kind of response you wanted. Steaming straight in with questions, generally doesn't.
- Gay Test
The Joke page
I didn't realise I was getting old till I was watching a porno yesterday and thought, "fuck me that sofa looks comfy"
The Joke page
Just seen a fat bird wearing a t-shirt which says "I love Hip Hop" I think the 'C' and the 'S' have fallen off.
The Joke page
Why did the Polish man cross the road? He took the chicken's job.
The Joke page
I've decided that I've got super sperm. The proof? I've been going out with my girlfriend for three weeks and the doctor says shes 4 months pregnant.
The Joke page
BBC News: Should we stop Eastern immigration? Lets see what the polls have to say.
The Joke page
What did Saint George and Amy Winehouse have in common? They both enjoyed chasing dragons.
The Joke page
The midwife came out to me and said "Congratulations, your the father of 3 beautiful boy triplets". Feeling proud and manly, I joked "That's because my cock is like a chimney, you see". "Well" replied the midwife, "I would get it fucking swept if I was you because they are all black".
The Joke page
I asked a prostitute "how much for a shag?" "I only do hand jobs" she said "Why?" I asked "Because I've just started today and I have to do a week in hand" She replied.
The Joke page
A German walks past a Jew who is staring into an ashtray. ''Looking for someone?'', asked the German.
The Joke page
I'm posting this from the casualty dept. Turns out the new Dyson Ball cleaner isn't what I thought it was..
The Joke page
I think my girlfriend has a nut allergy. She's ok with the bellend and the shaft, but as soon as my balls go in, she gets all teary eyed and starts coughing and choking.
The Joke page
I told the doctor that my pet gerbil Derek was dying. He said, "I'm a doctor. You need to see a vet." "I saw him this morning," I said, "and when I told him where Derek is, he told me to see you."
The Joke page
After tragically losing both her arms in a car crash I felt so sorry for my wife, so I helped her out where I could. I even tied a sponge to her face to help her wash the pots...