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  1. rebore replied to DavidSS's post in a topic in Projects
    Hello All of the above and have you checked for air leaks around the carb manifold rubbers etc. All the best Mike
  2. rebore replied to tez73's post in a topic in General
    Hello Have you straightened out the gear lever since the incident? I would have tried to straighten the gear lever or depending on how it was bent (inwards is usually the worst) either replace it or undo the securing bolt and move it slightly downwards on the spline (not forgetting to tighten it up again ) All the best Mike
  3. Hello My friend had one of the Bike-it screens on his YBR for a while. I don't recall there being any measurable difference to his bikes performance either positively or negatively. I doubt that it would slow you down. I also doubt that it would speed things up much either. It will keep some of the flies and bugs off your jacket so give it a regular washing and 'it's all good'. All the best Mike
  4. Hello I'm glad that you got it sorted. You might want to think about disconnecting it and taping it to the frame behind the side panel (shouldn't get dirty and won't affect the bike in any way) All the best Mike
  5. Hello Have you checked the clutch sensor switch (the black? wire leading from the clutch lever mount into the inside the headlight) or the sidestand switch which might need cleaning (the engine cuts out if you try to put it into gear whilst the sidestand is down), this is provided that your model is fitted with a sidestand. All the best Mike
  6. Hello IIRC the road pressures recommended are 36 psi (F) and 42 psi ® although others might have alternative suggestions. All the best Mike
  7. Hello It does suggest the stator as an option.....but these might be daft suggestions and apologies if you have already discussed this elsewhere but, what is the possibility of the main jet being too large a size. I had a similar problem with an RD and a Dell-orto carb again at around 3,000 revs which pointed me to the main jet rather than the pilot jet. I got mine sorted out.............eventually . It would rev cleanly when static but kept bogging down under load. Another possibility could be the exhaust, apologies if it is new or you have already decoked it during the restoration. All the best Mike