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  1. Monstro replied to Irene's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    For some reason it wont let me click on the + sign to vote this post up, just gonna have to settle for me saying nice on m8
  2. Monstro replied to Irene's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    You read so many times about this site asking people to introduce themselves as a matter of respect to the site and it's users, shame we can't show that respect when somebody does just that.
  3. Monstro replied to godlygaz's post in a topic in General
    Flip visor helmet lol
  4. Monstro replied to bukko0's post in a topic in The Bar
    A quick flick through fleabay and online images and I can't see one with a centre stand anywhere so I'd say no.
  5. Off your property or was it parked in a bike bay?
  6. Read the small print m8, they're not road legal and will fail an MOT as well as give an overly eager plod the chance to get his book out. Best place to ask is a Yamaha dealer (or so the plod told me when I enquired about their legality before putting them on my bike)
  7. You're welcome m8, not often I get one right lol
  8. This is worth a watch!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyXUnfbATNQ
  9. Monstro replied to kearnsy123's post in a topic in The Bar
    I got a "Bike It" charger from Halfords, was £40 if I remember rightly, good bit of kit, can be used as a trickle charger or normal charger
  10. Monstro replied to kearnsy123's post in a topic in The Bar
    3hrs seems a short time, last one I bought at Halfords had to charge overnight.
  11. Monstro replied to Late Starter's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I'd agree with that. Also agree with the advice to buy a Haynes manual, had one for every bike I've owned, £25 in Halfords (cheaper on Ebay) and you'll save that over and over just by following the basic routine maintenance advice in there. As for chains I've a Scotoiler fitted, great bit of kit!!!!
  12. Monstro posted a post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hi all, picked up my FZ6 on a 56 plate this evening so thought I'd say hi. Not the first Yamaha I've owned, was an extremely proud owner of a 'Cat a few years ago, hoping I have as much fun on this one but somehow doubt it, god I loved that bike lol. Anyways it's late so will fill in the blanks on my profile tomorrow, have fun all and I'll see you on the boards sometime!!!!