Everything posted by Ricardo
YOC middlesex/hertfordshire meet
WOW SHIT..... I completely forgot about this. I guess since I failed my mod 2 I decided to jump in to work a little more to take my mind off it. Sorry about that. Kishan, let me organize the next one when I pass . I'll get you a drink in to compensate too.
oops !!!!
WOW.... Bottom flapping moment!
YOC middlesex/hertfordshire meet
so how many people are going to this?
Word Association Thread
newbie represent!
Welcome to the forum buddy. Don't worry I'm new here too. I'm not even legally allowed to ride my bike on the road... there's been no snobbery around it. Quite happy here.
hi all!!!
Welcome to the forum. Hope the rat ar$e' b@st2rds get what they deserve for stealing your bike.
YOC middlesex/hertfordshire meet
GDGD. Hopefully I won't be working on the weekend you plan it for. I look forward to stretching the cats legs.
New WR Enduro nut!
Welcome to the forum. I'm new too, and I'm loving this place. She looks awesome. The LR and WR make a good set
Loudest thundercat can?
I've got a viper can on mine. It's pretty ridiculous... but in all fairness I haven't seen any other 'cats near me.
"New" xs400 Owner Here
Welcome . I'm new myself and still exploring the forum. But this seems to be the place for an alright bunch.
New Thundercat Owner
Hey all. Thanks for the comments. Oldgit... (lol funny name) thank you for posting the link. I can't make it work with flickr, so i'll try one thats proven to work. I bled the system today. Didn't get much of a chance to test 'em out properly. But at first glance, they are instantly better. When I have some time free I'll get a professional to check it over. Thanks for pointing it out .
YOC middlesex/hertfordshire meet
depending on the date i might be able to pop down.
New Thundercat Owner
South london. Not that south though. Thank you all. I wish there was a thanks button to thank you individually but I don't see one. Anyway, thank you for the warm welcome. Edit - Pictures Still haven't found how to do it so i've made a link for 'em. Will search the forum later after work. Thundercat - o/f angle shot Thundercat - Side shot ***Only ebay shots for now.***
New Thundercat Owner
Unfortunately this is the first bike I've owned. But its nice to say that I finally have it. After so many weeks of searching finding the perfect one. And things almost falling apart at the last minute.
New Thundercat Owner
Hi all. I'm Ric. I purchased a '97 Thundercat yesterday and I am ridiculously happy. The weather yesterday was somewhat appropriate considering the bikes model lol. Unfortunately I didn't get to ride her on the roads, after stupidly failing my mod2, but I wanted the bike bad enough. So till I re-test I'll get some time to tinker and ensure she's just the way I want her. There are a few things to take care of just like on any used bike. Tyres as they look slightly squared off. Alarm fob's need replacing - but the alarm itself is hunky dory. I also want to get the oil and filter changed. And sort the breaks - The reservoir has been filled past max level, and I feel (I bloody hope I'm right) this is making the front discs bind a little. Anyway I only have ebay pictures for now. How do I upload? I will take a few more at a later point. Tell me what you guys think. As a newbie yama owner. Hope to be meeting a few of you for a ride one day. Ric.