dragstar xvs 125 HELP!
Hi, Sorry to hear about your bike and going back to the frustrations of public transport. You've probably got everything fixed up now though? If not, I saw tyres on the list and I can help you save some money on a rear tyre (Bridgestone) if you still need one?
Why Bikes Are The Best Therapy
I totally agree with you guys! My commute to work (out of North London) in a car was reptatively too tedious and would wind me up like crazy not being able to move around people who "park" in the middle of crossroads or following that I'd get stuck behind a few buses and even a milkfloat! Anyone familiar with Green Lanes? All this stress before starting a long stressfull shift at work! To combat this, I wanted to learn to ride to make a difference with my commute. To say the jouney to work has completely changed for the better would be an understatement!! I have since caught the bug for biking now and am loving it! Some challenges to face still as a learner i.e. filtering, which feels rewarding when you achieve it. I'm now turning up into work for the early shifts feeling much more awake and positive from the adrenaline and feeling focused to start work. -Also in on time/early! The bizarre thing now is my 12 hour shift at work really appears to draaaag on after the adrenaline kick. Also the excitement waiting to get back on the bike again doesn't help! The other daily positive aspects on the commutes are the nods/exchanges with other passing bikers and yes lo and behold even some small talk at the lights -which to me is really suprising for London! None of this is experienced in a car! Except the exchanges of course -which would tend only to be negative or a "Im cutting you up/pulling out anyway thanks" wave. Grrr.
Fuel Cap Assembley
Thanks guys for the advice! Just an update: Whilst going out today to get a duplicate key cut from my original and mangled key I spotted some of that graphite lubricant in the shop and bought some. After starting to apply a small amount into the lock it then typically started to rain -hard! The weather is pants don't you think? It's July for F sake!? It took me at least 10 minutes to get the cap off today - the longest time yet! So I'm glad I tried to fix this today at home than experience all this at the petrol station!! After finally getting the cap off I just had to take it apart as it was still playing up -even after all that play! It wasn't too complex inside, maybe fiddly re-assembling it; holding it straight to balance the springs in place. Having acheived all that; admittedly it didn't really get to the source of problem as the lock "chamber" is isolated and built into the top half of the cap. So after adding more graphite powder and lots more repititions of turning the key its better than it has ever been before!! Once again thanks for your help guys!
Fuel Cap Assembley
Ok I'll try finding one of them. Good tip about the WD40 too (it was on my mind to use it!) Thanks
Fuel Cap Assembley
Hi guys, Has anyone ever taken apart their fuel cap assembley for their Dragstar? For a while now every time I go to fill up at the petrol station I have to wrestle with the fuel cap for it to come off. Additionally and more worrying is the gradual stress on the key becoming twisted and bent. I see the key lock turning from the outisde to the 3 o'clock position, but the locking mechanism underneath isn't moving failing to release the cap from the tank. Looking at the cap underneath I have noticed two screw heads to take it apart. How easy is it to reassemble with the spring inside etc. Ben
Yeah you right there are a lot of time wasters out there using Gumtree. I experienced the same situation when I was selling something. I had arranged to meet them at the nearest station too and yeah...they didn't show up; or even text/call for that matter. It's a good site, but it's just frustrating to know who the real potential buyers are out there...Ok some replies are only too obvious (fake), but you know what I mean? Have you tried Craig's List? Ad Poster? Both of these are free to submit an advert either online and on ye olde paper.
Hello - Newbie here to the forum
I can't wait to get out of the city to ride! Although I kind of feel trapped within the M25 at the moment with my L plates on I will take your advice for sure! Thanks
Hello - Newbie here to the forum
Hi all, Thanks for your kind welcomes. I just thought I'd follow it up with the news that I passed my theory test! I was thinking before I start to get lessons for the practical tests I just wondered if anyone could recommend any books that can help on improving riding skills? Also can anyone give some tips on pefecting U-turns/tight turns? I've kinda got it, but think I'm not using the right technique especially after watching this!!: I didn't think it was possible for bikes of that size to turn like that! Amamzing! Thanks!
Hello - Newbie here to the forum
Hi, There is an incredible amount of knowledge on here and a good online community. So I just had to join! I have just recently passed my CBT back in March and I haven't looked back since! I am an owner of a 2001 Dragstar (XVS125) which has been great fun to learn on albeit it sometimes tricky to perfect U-turns!! I have my theory test next Thursday so I am looking to take on the practical tests soon. However, at this time I need more experience on a bike and the roads before that. I am based in North London so I am learning fast! Nice to meet you all! Ben
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