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Everything posted by Floydthedog

  1. Hello everyone in Y O C Land. Just joined the club. Passed my test a few months ago and invested in a 2002 Thundercat. Love the bike and can't wait to be out all summer. Been reading some of the posts and you lot are a knowledgable bunch. Now I know where to come for any bike issues/technical probs I may encounter. Keep up the good work Floydthedog
  2. HTH Thanks for the reply will check the TPS out. Very Much appreciated
  3. Hi everyone, I'm new to the Yamaha Owners Club having recently passed my test and bought a 2002 Thundercat. Bike is lovely BUT it's just developed a problem with the rev counter. Issue is as follows:- Rev Counter now revs to 8K only(on the clock but bike rides ok)and drops back to zero and does this regularly before showing the right revs for a short time then dropping to zero again. Also I have noticed the needle moves to 1K and back to zero. When it does this zero to 1K range the bike has a minor hicup(a sort of miss or jolt). HELP Please anyone got any idea's of what the problem could be as it's now becoming a pain. Cheers