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Everything posted by Noise

  1. Says that man who asks the service man to wash it
  2. I'll give you a half licked smartie for them?
  3. Noise

    money no object

    Well if I said it was a C90 with a busa engine in it would that make things better? Ha ha. Also if I tipped up at the shop with a million pound bike then you would have every one wanting donations etc but on a C90 you won't have that drama. And I can't believe you was in the Royal engineer's made easy! Proper engineers to hard?
  4. Crank! sorry must have must the N ha ha
  5. Noise

    New project!

    Loving the ape hangers for midgets!
  6. My top tip on building a bobber is to get an old bike and bob that as you will be buying a brand new bike are you really wanting to chop the frame, fuck up the paint work etc etc? i know a bobber is all about your own personal preferance and that but to me a bobber needs to look ugly yet sexy, finding things down the scrappy and making it into a motorcycle part and so on. Dont get me wrong the Bolt is a sexy looking bike and will make a very nice bob/chop but its going to take a deep set of pockets to keep it looking nice, where as the old dirty bobber look can be done on a poor mans budget. Good luck and im def looking out for this one
  7. Thought id join in. so anyone going to Beaulieu?
  8. Yer i know was pretty bad but funny as fuck.
  9. Next to never, great thing about a pure black bike it never looks clean. if im feeling kind i may spray some WD40 over it but thats about it.
  10. Ah i see, well looks like its on with Planet rock then ha ha. I got Teamrock on DAB in the car which aint too bad, and Absolute radio in the office. Any way back on track, found out that my Crack and con rods have left New York so soon i shall be doing some very intersting things
  11. Hmmm, haven't listened to Kerrang in some time but if i get chance tonight when babe is in bed may tune in for a little listen. what Freq is it on these days?
  12. As much as i loved watching Stoner ride the races became far too predictable with him always winning (or some times loosing) then getting a petty little strop on about some over take that was too dangerous. Hopefully he wont come back and we can all sit back and watch the talent of Marques grow and finally see Cruchy get into the grove and keep the bike going for a whole race.
  13. In the terms that Tasky said, yes this is very clever.................but the guy needs to go get a moist lady rather than sit at a PC for 3 months doing this!
  14. My sisters husband was out on a ride with his best mate when he was hit by a seagull (doing a rate of knotts) which its beek impailed his leather jacket and punchered his shoulder! nasty little feekers there are.
  15. Yesterday was a fantastic day for me, not only was it our 1 year wedding anniversary in which i got a nice new solid silver pocket watch (got all the cogs and gears visable) but i was told to take a load of crap to the dump and as i was throwing the old kettle over bored i spotted a nice Goodmans DAB radio in its box! took it home and found the arial just needed a bit of a crimp and now i have Planet rock on in the man cave!!!!! LIFE IS GOOD!!!!!
  16. I doubt stoner will Come back, I read in MCN yesterday that he is helping Honda to tune their bikes and that was it as he is carrying on with his V8 super car racing in Auz think simonchellies death put him off.
  17. Noise

    What a MUPPET!!!

    Hey could have been worse, you could be forking out for a new crank for not checking your oil ha ha. I know what your saying tho as I found that 10% of my bolts where loose when I stripped mine down.
  18. I used to get 120ish miles before switiching to res. thats with straight through pipes, bigger jets and ram filters. but found i got less miles when i filled up in ASDA so i only put Super unleaded in now and get more miles
  19. Noise

    money no object

    Well mine would have to be (this would be my Monday to Sunday bikes) 1st a supercharged Vmax chopper/bobber thing, low to the ground and evil in every way possible 2nd would be and old Shovel head Hardly 3rd Brough Superior 4th V8 on two wheels (built to my specs) 5th Y2K bike (just for shits and giggles) 6th Honda C90 (to go to the shops on) 7th Triumph Rocket 3
  20. Strange as it just worked for me ha ha Maybe the computer hates you? you been playing with its mouse for too long????
  21. What pertol did you use? Tesco ASDA?? i find that if you use the cheap shit then it doesn't last long at all. Think about it, they give you cheap fuel and you run out faster than normal so you keep going back there. Yet you buy the dearer stuff and it lasts longer than the other tat. Get what you pay for really.
  22. Go to you tube, Find the song you like, Copy the web site URL Paste in the reply box on here and bobs your fanny Like this
  23. Noise

    My Bobber project

    Na this BBQ paint says you spray it on (as you do) leave till touch dry and add more coats, then leave to dry over night then light your BBQ to burn off excess fumes before you cook. But it pretty much was touch dry within 3 mins. Yer i know what you mean Tommy, hopefully i wont be stood infront of a fully built engine with a piston in my hand scratching my head ha ha
  24. See thats why i ask whats you top 5. there is such i diversity of tastes, styles and even feelings involved with music and if something had a simple straight forward answer then is it really worth asking? here is another one of my all time best songs
  25. Mental image..............................................not good
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