O yes too right Tommy, Still waiting on the bladdey things tho and its been over a week since i ordered them, but still its not like i aint got any thing else to do on the bike. Still gotta paint the other cylinder and polish its fins, i made a start on the front mud guard last night as i found that the previous owner had fitted a fender extender (guttering! liturally) to it and body filled it to the mud guard. But to be fair they done such a good job of it i didn't notice till i started cutting it and all the powder from the filler flew every where.
Ive finally sold some old bike junk and went on a bought a new oil pump, handle bars and grips. Next to buy are some new indecators, chain for a sissy bar, sporster fuel tank, parts for suicide shifter, new head light and then get it off to powder coating.
Any way here be some more pics.
Old matt black and new gloss black.
Old front mud guard (Post pics of the new one tonight)