Everything posted by Noise
Project twist and no go???
Yer every thing in my shed has its own little space. Well this little bike is going on Ebay when i get the chance and selling it on as parts or as a whole bike. Ive been looking over things and its gunna cost me more than what i want to spend on it so as long as i get my £35 back for it then im happy
Bikesure Christmas Competition
done mine
which bike trousers
Wait for Lidl to start selling there ski stuff, their ski trousers are brilliant (just not that great in heavy rain) If not check out Amazon they normally have a good selection of decent trousers and you can read up on the customer reviews etc
Help from a drag queen please
Cheers Gizz, ive finally got is sorted. only took me an hour and a half to do it once id figured out the pattern and where the spokes go in. Sadly i got so into doing it i forgot to take pics as i went a long to do a write up on it. Still gotta true it up so i may pull out 4 spokes and do a write up with them but the annoying thing is the last spoke is a right ass to get in ha ha. Thanks again for all your help guys
Help from a drag queen please
No mate started life as a custom but both are identical bar the mud guards
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
Yer.........um rather not thanks
XT250 Restore
Thats looking really smart mate. did you bead blast the frame or just spray over the old paint??
How do you fix a parking permit on a bike?
Help establishing bike value?
50p and a packet of ginger nuts? same boat as you mate i cant seam to find any thats for sale close to what you got. Sorry mate
Canadian temp conversion
Its a bit like the Brits and our weather. 10 C (average day) Brits Moan its cloudy and dull 12 C Brits Moan its now raining 15C Brits moan its now getting Muggy 20 C Brits moan its getting too hot 25C Brits are getting mad as its too fucking hot 21 C Brits moan its cooling down 15C Brits really moan as the Weather is on the change 10C Brits Moan its now getting cooler 8 C extreme risk of ice, Brits deploy Road Gritters 5 C Brits moan they have to put heating on and the price of Gas and electric is on the up 4 C Brits get pissed off with road gritters -3 C Brits moan they run out of Grit -5 C Brits Shut down UK and moan that the rest of the world are still going.
Help from a drag queen please
Im a very patient man, there have been times when ive thought this is bladdey stupid, but spur'd on by that look on the wifes face (i told you so) ive gotta get it sorted ha ha. but i am actually enjoying it. Cheers Gizzy, will have a look at that tonight when i get home from work,
Help from a drag queen please
Calling my fellow drag queens. As you know I'm the twat who's taken on a task to re lace my front wheel, why you ask......... Well because I like the challenge. If you would be so kind could you take a pic of the inside of your front hub, then a pic of the rim of the four hole pattern, (it will go 4 holes gap 4 holes) but could you label the spokes 1234 with masking tape then again at the hub so I can see what spoke goes to what hole. Much love in advance. Noise
My Bobber project
My Bobber project
Yer i fucked up Spoking a wheel................................take two
My Bobber project
Yer maybe a hole out, but all the short head spokes are all in the middle two holes of the 4 hole pattern and same with the long head spokes to the outter two holes and all matched up to there prefered angled hole. Once id done the first 24 i found the valve hole and then started to lace up by putting the next spoke in at the 0628 possition (if you look at it like a clock face) and went on my way. Every time i stuck a spoke in i put a nipple on and done it up 2 turns so as to keep every thing even, then went round and done all of them up 5 turns each. Only pic i have of it before i took it apart is this one
How do you fix a parking permit on a bike?
This is what i will do. We have parking permits here at my works but they are just a small round sticker with our employee numbers written on them, get ones to stick on the inside of your cage window and ones that stick on your bike but no one here uses the ones on the bikes as our works police knows every ones bikes (well everyone on site knows my bike )
My Bobber project
No i cant mate not at work, ill see if i can get it on my phone tonight. and Lassy cant watch videos at work either now so will check it out as well tonight. bit of a wierd one last night as i got all 48 spokes in and turned the nippples 2 turns each so they where all even, then marked a start point then went round turning them all 5 turns each untill they started to pull in, now they are all done up as far as the threads on the spokes can go yet its still loose??? Gunna have to spend some more time on it tomoorow night, aint giving up on this
Metal sheds etc
Few of my mates have them, and they seam to be pretty good, if your storing your bikes in there id suggest some motion sensors. Word of warning tho, wear gloves when you build it as your cut your self less if they where made of razor blades
My Bobber project
I'll give it a shot on my lunch tomorrow. Got all 48 spokes. In now, just gotta true it up now. Should be fun
My Bobber project
24 down. Just another 24 to go. Anyone fancy a write up on how to do it??
My Bobber project
Yup finding that out now lol. WHERE TO START!!!!! Arrrrggggggggg
My Bobber project
Well here comes a head fuck tonight. Going to try and turn this into wheel.
PCSO sues landowner
O my good lord there is a massive 3ft wall infront of me............dont ................think........leg can go.............that.....................high!!!! We're injury lawyers for you.................................................
Anyone know what this is
I'm sure foamy will tell us One he has bought it ha ha
what would your wife say !
I'm doing this with betty ha ha