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Everything posted by Noise

  1. Yup she is def hot! but you may as well buy a car! and i cant see it staying up right when billy boy wanker racer hits you side on at more than 30MPH!
  2. Noise

    Dt dating help

    Hey Stu, Welcome to the site! dose the bike not have a number plate then? im not a DT owner so not gunna be much help im afrade but im sure one of the other guys will pop along n help ya out. Where bouts in Somerset are you?
  3. I pushed my bike home the other day n did 50MPH running next to it so beat that you fatties! lol Also what is it with some of these new members sticking profile pics of them kissing there missus!? this is a bike forum! i dont wanna see you licking your missus's face! (@ scottcampbellridgway) Also i see that there is another homie on da forum dat like da speak da lingo! nowt wrong wid dat bruv just dat i no see da point in makin words up dat is ard ta read. Ya feelin me bruv? sound .........brrrrrraaaaaaappppp!!! (@ dt125)
  4. Right guys and girls, Just insured the bike as of the end of the month and i will tax her on the first of Feb. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Who be up for a ride on the first nice day of Feb? (a week end of course due to work) Will be a south trip most likely meet up at podimore round about n could head down to Southampton n mooch at the Harley shop? or any other bike shop that do bacon butties n a cuppa! I couldnt care where we go really as long as i get a bacon butty and i get out on the bike! If your up for it post up here n keep an eye out on the weather forcast n we will set a date n time! All the best Noise
  5. In the words on Lord flash heart!.......................WOOF WOOF!!!!!! Baldrick...........................Bark
  6. Noise


    Sorry ment Harley davidson WLA (my typo lol)
  7. Noise


    Yer i see where your coming from with majority of the stuff being chrome! im ot a big lover of chrome but i have left some bits on my bike just to brake up the black and give a little bit of shine to the bike, but i would never go nuts on the stuff as i like to ride bikes not polish it for 3 hours then leave it in the garage till the next no cloud day of the year. Again, i see the practical useage of saddle bags.........but they still are on the "gay" list for me lol. If i was in need of a set id most likely try and get my hands on a set off WW2 saddle bags off of a old mail bike or a similar style. (you know the ones like on the Harley WLM)
  8. Noise

    Main Test

    I dun my mod 1 + 2 direct access in 4 days! 3 days training with both tests on the Tuesday £900 all in bar the theory. All depends what school you go to. Training is the three day course.
  9. Noise


    Yer im no chrome lover but im sure a quick bead blast n powder coating later will solve that. As for saddle bags................sorry they are def not for me, better off in a bonfire lol
  10. Noise

    Poor R1

    Just because you cant even do a wheelie.........LOL POOR LITTLE BABY, do you want some warm milk and a lullaby?
  11. Noise


    Hey Guys, Well im not sure if any of you have used this site before? I ordered a number plate bracket off of them just before Christmas in which with in 5 minutes my missus had a phone call at home from them saying that due to Christmas that they didn't think that it would get to me so they would send it in the new year for me. So that not a drama for me as the bike is still in bits and i could crack on with other bits. So the new year is now here so i popped an e-mail off to Graham at custom wizard just to see when they would be sending the said item, and he said that it would be going Royal mail 1st class today, GREAT i was thinking.......and with out fail the very next day (yesterday) the bracket was in my living room! The bracket its self is fantastic! the finish on it is faultless and looks the dogs twangers, ive seen it being sold at other bike web sites but all of the stuff on Custom wizards site is at very competitive prices....for example: Website one: This braket cost £58 + £5 p+p Website two: same bracket cost £62 + £3 P+P Customwizard.com: the bracket cost £52.99 + £5 p+p (because i paid for express delivery) There customer service is fantastic and i will be more than happy to shop there first with no hastle! Heres there like to check them out. http://www.customwizard.com/index.php All the best Noise
  12. Noise

    My Bobber project

    Cheers guys! well i still got a few bits left to do like: 1) Exhausts......shorten them and wrap them 2) A few seat brackets to fit that back on. 3) Re-do the fender stays (ive started but lost interest due to a bottle of JD ) 4) Fit my new shiney number plate bracket i got from customewizard.com (HIGHLY RECOMENDED SITE!) 5) Strip and paint the last side cover (found it in the bottom of a box D'OH!!!! 6) Fit handle bars, hand controls and head light. 7) Oil change + more petrol + starter buttom = Me happy --------------------------------------------------------- 8) Fix Horn So a few bits to keep me busy till the end of the month but at least it keeps me out of trouble. I took the HT leads out the other day and turned her over to see if i had wired up the starter motor up right and the the cable i used was good enough and im glad to say its great! the only thing i found tho was that the horn dont work.......mainly because the two wires that go into the horn are the only two i didn't mark up so im 99% sure i got them in the wrong way lol O well theres another thing on the "to do" list. More pics to follow as the build progresses
  13. Yes my XVS was also rsty so i dun a full strip down (left the engine in) and sorted out the rust. i still have the XVS manwell on CD if you would like to buy it? If only all bikes where stainless steel! would be so much better but it costs more than normal steel so the cost of bikes will then go stupid so its down to us riders to keep them in good order.............plus what would people like me do during winter times.....go back to talking to the missus n watching day time tv??? I THINK NOT MY GOOD SIR!!! LOL
  14. I agree that if you look after your bike it will look after you but any longer than an hour and a half of cleaning a bike is stupid! my bike is now Matt black (o and two other kinds of black) so all i do is wash of the dead bugs followed by a shammy ended with a spray of WD40 and GT85 for that loverly smell i like to call ouder la garage.
  15. Hey Morph, I had a XVS 125 and it was a cracking bike! i would say tho that the rear fender is plastic and held up by a metal frame thats not very well protected so will be rusty so if i was you (or if you want to that is) is to take off the fender and tackle and rust prevent it. Going up hill you will find you could be playing with the gears to maintain speed and head winds will slow you down. they are more torquey that singles but the pistons are nothing to shout about so just another thing to bare in mind. If you want new exhausts try japsandhogs.com (or co.uk) but not sure if they are still about but always worth a shot. Also chuck up some pics when you get it All in all its a fantastic bike and im sure your have fun on it
  16. Noise

    XVS 650 Oil

    Cheers Tout massive help!
  17. If your back is still hurting mate i would recomend you going to Boots or Tescos Pharmacy and getting some 400MG IBROPHEN (sorry bout spelling im dyslexic) but i done my back in quite badly when i was in the army and these things really help with the pain! deff keep moving and take a few hot baths. Before get some deep heat onto it and im sure in a few days your start to feel better as it may have been a muscular strain
  18. Noise

    stormy weather

    Sore my next door neigbours cat fly across the road......but that wasn't any thing to do with the wind.....lol
  19. Noise

    My Bobber project

    Well here we go into 2012! and im sorry to say but not much happened to the bike over the Christmas holidays........too much whiskey lol Thanks for the comments they are always nice to receive in responce "up yours" i am keeping as little of the old tat off as possible and only sticking the "MOT requirements" back on. Well here are some piccies. Foot rests are now finished and on the bike. And i have now finished the fuel tank, put cubby hole back in with the battery and fuses followed by the hand controls ready for the handle bars to go on (very last job i will do) tank stripped Primed Finished Plummed in Cable cover LOOKIN GOOD!!! This week end im hoping to have the exhausts done and the seat brackets and fender stays finished and on the bike
  20. Hi John, Welcome but to save you from a rather un friendly welcome from the rest i would advise you go to the introduction page and tell every one about yourself as no one will want to help out someone they dont know. Best regards
  21. Hey guys, Has any one done an oil change on their XVS 650? if so what oil did you use? it prob tells me in my Haynes Manwell but im at work at the mo so cant really look in it and i wanna nip to Halfrauds on the way home and get some. Cheers for the advice in advance Noise
  22. Great use of the British unit on measure there! [sales rep] Um excuse me sir but how big are your wheels so we can get you the right tyre? [2 wheels] 330ml budweiser
  23. +1 on what Neo said!..... hats off to ya bud as i also learned by watching my stepdad do his Harley (o and when i was a kid i did take the odd toy apart n attemp to put it together again but thats different lol) I tell you what i think will help you out seeing that you have a nice shinney new bike (dont take her apart if you dont have to) i would recomend getting your self a mini / monkey bike and stip that apart as they are pretty much the same as a normal motorbike only smaller lol. this will give you the Billy bollock basics of motorbike machanics and also it wont matter if you fuck up on it At least this way you can learn how to line up the rear wheel correctly, the engines are basic but they still go SUCK BANG BLOW as do most bikes (and cages in that matter) plus they are cheap. and you can go out riding on your bike then come home n tinker on the mini / monkey bike Just my opinion im sure some one will pop along n say some thing different or even meet up n show you on there bike?
  24. Far too many laps for a ring track in my opinion but still good to watch! those bars are a bit f**ked up when your up right but i see the sense of them once your leaned over. I think it will be a better race if it was like our speed way racing and just have 4-5 laps n not 1 billion! lol
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