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Everything posted by Noise

  1. Noise


    A frustrated wife buys a pair of crotchless panties in an attempt to spice up her dead sex-life. She puts them on,together with a short skirt and sits on the sofa opposite her husband. At strategic moments she uncrosses her legs ... enough times that her husband finally asks, "Are you wearing crotchless panties?" "Y-e-s," she answers with a seductive smile. "Thank God - I thought you were sitting on the cat."
  2. Noise

    My Bobber project

    Hey guys and gals, Well we are nearly there! only a few more bits to finish off and then she comes out the shed ready for a good old ride out. Ive wired up the number plate light which ive threaded through the swing arm so just gotta get a rubber gromit to stop the water getting into the swing arm, Ive put my bar end wing mirror onto the normal mounting point for wing mirrors (dont look too bad i think) and i have finished the front seat brackets so just need to do the rear brackets and paint them and re fit them with the seat. So once she is out the shed and i have more room i will bleed the brakes and top up the fuel and thats job jobbed!!! heres a few more pics for ya to look through. Handle bars now on, Front seat brackets done and ready for paint Bar end mirror mounted in the "right" place A quick side shot, i will be getting my mate to spin me up some exhaust tips when i take it to work, thinking a nice copper or brass tip will look nice?
  3. So this must explain why all those chavs that sit at home all day doing fuck all get paid so much! L-A-Z-Y-S-H-I-T-S are giving out 139%!!! good going i say lol
  4. yer plants dont last long in my tank as the plecs either eat them or dig them up so if and when i buy more i always chuck half a cucumber in the tank to take them away from the plants. also gives them some thing to play with and chase arount the tank lol. Ponds are good and i do like those ghost karp, a mate of mine has a pond n has about 30-40 Coi karp in there, he's had the pond since he was 14 (birthday precent lol) and when he moved out of his mums he took it with him. Dose that pond belong to you or your dad?
  5. Well ya know a whisky a day keeps the doctor away lol
  6. Hi And welcome to the club, Can you smell petrol as tho its going into the carbs? and are the plugs getting wet? Also has your bike got a choke lever? if so pull that fully out as my 650 dragstar had a starting problem the other day after 3 months of being in bits and fired up fine once i pulled the choke out.
  7. I see nothing wrong with them photos Kev lol must be your eye sight thats fuzzy lol Looking good tho Pat! not much left to be done now tho im guessing?
  8. Ok cool this sounds like a good option to go for. So should i drain the old fluid out then pump new fluid in? Sorry if this sounds bladdy dumb lol just that being as its brakes im not really in that frame of mind of fucking this job up lol
  9. I do like marine fish! i own a few tropical fish in my 4ft fish tank. (spent a pretty penny setting it up lol) In my tank i have, 10inch long fire eel called larry 4 golden barbs Two common plecs one is 15inchs long and the other is 6inches A rainbow shark, A few mollies And here are the ones i had but died Two African Ghost knife fish Four silver sharks Four Red nosed torpiedos Red clawed Crab (killed by my small plec) Male Jap fighter (killed by my big plec) School of neon tetras (sucked into my old filter) I had a Brasilian night fish but he was an agressive fucker so took him back to the shop lol I love to sit and watch them at night if there is shit all on TV and my little girl (8 months old) loves to watch them before she gose to bed, I think its a good hobby to have (bar bike riding) its just rewarding knowing you have set up a good fish tank thats thriving and just see all the colours that they give off when your tank is healthy.
  10. Hi And welcome to the club! nice choise in bikes! good and rare. here is a link to another thread on how to up load pics Regards Noise
  11. PS I know not to let the fluid get too low in the master cylinder lol
  12. Hey guys and gals, Well as the title says im after some tips on brake bleeding, Ive not actually done them before so i done soe reading and asked a mate of mine and there seems to be a few ways of going about this job. Like: The normal way of pumping the lever, open close nipple + repeat Putting a long hose onto the nipple, open the nipple and suck till bubbles stop, close nipple Do you guys know of any other ways and have any other tips on how to do this job? Cheers in advance Noise
  13. Hi Chris, Welcome, how about a little about your self so we know if your saine or not. lol
  14. Hi Faz, Welcome to the site, Chuck some before and after pics of the bike for us all to see. Regards Noise
  15. im with Kev on this one! Cant see why you would join a forum and call some one a moron and an idiot in your first post with out actually introducing your self..... But saying that Kev a prick can be useful...........i think a more apropriate name is in order.
  16. Pretty sure it only effects new bikes afterthe date the law is passed (i think, dont quote me) as they are now being made with catilic converters and all the other eco/safty gumph (not that im against more safty stuff) Because say that you own an old BSA or Norton for example and you buy it as a "shed find non runner" then your gunna have no choise in fitting non manufacter fitted parts to get it back on the road. So if the law is passed on every bike on the road then you wont be able to restor your belovid old british bikes. (or any other old bike)
  17. Noise

    My Bobber project

    Yer I thought my camara manship was a bit shit as I only had just over a minute of recording time left, so once ive got her out the shed I will do a better vid of her n walk around her better. Im well happy with the Matt black, I got it off amazon, called cobra big black, 600ml can and you can get two cans for £15 BARGIN compared to halfruads one 500ml can for £15!
  18. Noise

    My Bobber project

    Hey guys heres a quick update on the old progress and i have to say.......im well chuffed so far. Im hoping this video will work if not i will have to learn how to put it onto Youtube. I put the handle bars one temperarily as they will have to come off again to get her out the shed, ive put the handle bar grips on that have the indecators built into them, pulled out the choke put her on resurve and push the button and she turns over and few times and aways she goes!!!! <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.c...bed/OmSh5G033sI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> http://www.youtube.com/embed/OmSh5G033sI Sorry about the camara-manship its a small shed and trying to show the bike off with one hand was a wee bit difficult lol Just been out side today and sorted out the tick over and she runs like a beauty!! Still gotta do the seat brakets, front brake, head light and my number plate light. Then shes on the road! I cant wait any longer
  19. Looks wise.........that Honda is stunning! that monstosity of a Yamaha there is horrid (in my opinion) Im not too ofey with economical stuff so im prob no help here as i like my stuff with BIG engines (my daily driver is a 2.5 V6 MG ZT with 190bhp which i can just get 30mpg out of it if i behave lol) But saying that the Dragstar aint that bad with the fuel.
  20. No but you could always introduce your self in the new members part of the forum and then you may get some help.
  21. I Do agree, i sore that saying on a sticker on Flea bay and it made me chuckle so thought id have a light harted giggle with it in this post. But i do like a good V twin sound effect, my neighbour next door to me had a 1200 Bandit (sold it now has he couldn't fix a problem with it) and he made a habbit of going out side every day, fire it up, bounce it on the red a few times, shut it down n go back in doors.....?????? so i think its only fair i have loud pipes, start my fooker up and ride to work. lol.
  22. It shows how confident they are with it being hit from the side when they are on the ice and they hit it with a tyre they still have a man standing with it to make sure it dont fall over!! So dose that mean that for every one they sell they have to give you a giant to catch you when your hit side on?
  23. You can pick up some good cheap pipes on ebay mate, thats where i got mine from and they where only £100 with £10 p+p. I love loud pipes and ive riden my bike from Yeovil to Southampton and back again with no dramas. The only thing i dont like about my pipes is that they are too long (right near the back of the rear tyre) so thay are meeting a chop saw to bring them back a wee bit. As the old saying gose "loud pipes save lives" lol
  24. I have a set of Raasks that i got off of ebay which are basically straight throughs and are stupidly loud! i personally would just buy your self another set of pipes you like and keep your standard ones for the MOT. yes its a pain in the arse changing them over but its only once a year.
  25. Thats awsome!!!! well the bit where he sticks his finger in the way is at least!! PMSL what a twat.
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