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Everything posted by Noise

  1. Noise replied to Noise's post in a topic in Projects
    Right a quick to do list for this winter. she is still on the road and i got caught out in a Hail storm yesterday when riding to my Karate grading which flipping hurt with my open faced lid. I need to re-do my rear fender and its struts as they have sheared off and now the fender flaps about which aint doing it much good, and also need re-painting. Need to re-do up the little nut on the throttle return cable as it keeps vibrating loose, so going to whack some stainless locking nuts on there. May even go all hog and strip and re-build the motor with new gaskets and re-seat the valves and what not as i doubt this has ever been done and she has done just over 17K miles so it will be nice to give it an over haul. Then hopefully i can get saving up to get this frame sorted for this time next year.
  2. Noise replied to nipper280383's post in a topic in General
    What i can see is that first off the pillion foot peg brackets have been chopped off. And yes the rear section has been cut as well to fit the after market street fighter seat pan so if you wanted it back to normal then you will be best off getting it jigged, i know a chap called Baz who is going to do my one off frame for my bike and most likely will charge you about £100 ish to do this work for you if you want his e-mail address? As for the wiring, i think its best to just get a second hand complete loom and put that on. Its not hard as the brilliant Jap have made each plug unique to fit its male/female counter part so its just simple plug and play
  3. Noise replied to Noise's post in a topic in Random
    If you spot it just say yes. Dont give it away to others. After 4 days or so i will post up the answer
  4. Noise posted a post in a topic in Random
    This is a quick test for those with acute sight & perceptive skills. I think pilots should take no more than 12 seconds - fighter pilot qualified, no more than 5 or you've been blown out of the sky by a stealth fighter with an enemy flag on the tail. For anyone claiming 2-3 seconds, you qualify for the bar exam & will be a successful defence attorney for New York. If you can spot the cat within 15 seconds then you are great...... It is not behind the door…..It’s out in the open.... So obvious once you find it … so frustrating when you can’t!!!
  5. Noise replied to orestis's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Welcome to the club! i love the fact you guys over there can have such small number plates! looks awesome on that bike!
  6. Noise replied to nipper280383's post in a topic in General
    Im only down in Yeovil mate, but im not an Electrics wizz. If the frame is cut then its going to need a frame builder with a Jig to re-weld it back together, but as said if its not cut then all you will need to do is find a standard seat + pillion pad and pop it on. Will wait for some pics then we can go from there. but try and post a few at different angles so we can get a good perspective of whats needing doing.
  7. Welcome Danie,
  8. Noise replied to kenDAWG's post in a topic in General
    I never use a GPS they do my head in so its maps all the way for me, once you get the hang of it they are easy. Hey i even managed to get a Domino's pizza delivered to the middle of Salisbury plain when i was serving HM just by using a 6 figure Grid ref. It was quite a funny convo over the phone lol
  9. Noise replied to kenDAWG's post in a topic in General
    The best bit about green laneing is the pure fact that you have no idea where you are or where you are going, just get your self a good old map of your area and pick a spot, then just ride there and have some laughs. your never get lost as all you need to do is find the nearest population complex and read the road signs or get to a pub for some pork scratchins and directions
  10. Christ Kev you need to treat them a bit more nicely, they look really old and frail! just a nice gentle bounce will suffice.
  11. Was there a little boy dancing in that video? all i sore was a lot of cheer leaders!
  12. May have been a video of his nuts bobbing up and down! you never know with Kev
  13. Well if its Kev's test-icle that would explain the title "not for the faint hearted lol
  14. Looking forward to it! hopefully i will be starting the new build by time you get this started. O and i just looked on my old forum and they where selling there calendars for £10. so your £6 + P&P was about spot on. I have also found out that a (very tasty) lady at my work, prints T-shirts so if you want me to i can find out how much she charges and if she is cheaper than Vista print i can get her to do the Shirts if you like?
  15. Noise replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in The Bar
    I wouldn't use Nitromorse on plastic mate as it will melt/ blister the plastic. personally i would just scrub the plastic down with either scotch pad or wet and dry (prob 240-400 grit will be good) to key the plastic and remove any flaky paint, wipe down with some window lean and prime with a plastic primer which you can b=get from Halfords, it is yellow tho so you will most likely need to either do loads of thin coats of your blue or spray over the plastic primer with a normal gray primer before laying your blue.
  16. Good idea i think mate, another forum i was on done the same thing with our cars (i think its still going now) bringing in those extra funds for the site and they even bought a big ass gazebo for their rallies and shows out of the money raised..
  17. Noise replied to SkylerHadley's post in a topic in The Bar
    Small one
  18. I done the same thing Foamy, popped the said camera round my pussy and i was shocked to see that it went and spent most of the afternoon with my Neighbor! needless to say i no longer have the fury black thing.
  19. the bike is in the car port and i will bring her out if we get some nice days, drizzle is ok for me but heavy rain just plain annoys me, if it rains when im going home i don't care as you can get dry and warm, but riding to work in the rain is a no no as you cant get dry n warm quick enough no matter how good your wet weather gear is.
  20. Noise replied to dt502001's post in a topic in The Bar
    Rehab is for quitters --Amy winehouse
  21. Think i need to get hold of one of they O pipes for my car!
  22. Noise replied to up.yours's post in a topic in General
    I don't know, he is pretty keen, but he aint going to last the full fight. I recon he will be out by round 5 not by KO but through Ref interfering and saying he's had enough.
  23. Noise replied to up.yours's post in a topic in General
    Well you would have thought that being out of the saddle for three years he would have started out with some small fights and not go for the chap that kicked his ass way back when.
  24. Noise replied to NEV's post in a topic in Random
    What about when you face plant into the black stuff?