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Everything posted by Noise

  1. Complete bollocks. Sorry but as you say a small little stick (sorry 4 little stickers) on the back of your sweed aint going to do jack squat!. But saying that, they may see them if they come over to check on you after they have T boned you.
  2. Best way to improve on a YZFR125 on performance looks and acceleration.....................................knock off the 25 on the name on the bike
  3. ANDY ROONEY ON SEX 1. When I was born, I was given a choice - a big pecker or a good memory.... I don't remember which I chose. 2. Your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory. 3. A wife is a sex object. Every time you ask for sex, she objects. 4. Impotence: nature's way of saying, "No hard feelings..." 5. There are only two four letter words that are offensive to men - 'don't' and 'stop', unless they are used together. 6. Panties: Not the best thing on earth, but next to the best thing on earth. 7. There are three stages in a man's life: Tri-Weekly, Try Weekly and Try Weakly. 8. Virginity can be cured. 9. Virginity is not dignity, it's lack of opportunity. 10. Having sex is like playing bridge - if you don't have a good partner, you better have a good hand. 11. I tried phone sex once, but the holes in the dial were too small. 12. Marriage is the only war where you get to sleep with the enemy. 13. Question: What's an Australian kiss? Answer: The same thing as a French kiss, only down under. 14. A couple just married were happy with the whole thing. He was happy with the Hole and she was happy with the Thing. 15. Question: What are the three biggest tragedies in a man's life? Answer: Life sucks, job sucks and the wife doesn't. 16. Question: Why do men find it difficult to make eye contact? Answer: Breasts don't have eyes. 17. Despite the old saying, 'Don't take your troubles to bed', many men still sleep with their wives!
  4. Well that sounds like some thing loose to me lol. hey it could be as simple as a dead fox in there.
  5. Well groucho! glad to see that your giving it a crack, and like i said in a previous thread "if its broken, then how can you brake it?" so don't be scared of ever taking some thing apart to fix it. Again, if i can help i will. good luck mate
  6. I remember the one i had was quite a laugh, done 50mph easy and on some thing so low that your arse cheeks are cleaning the cats eyes on the road it gets pretty scary at times
  7. The pull cords on them are wank. this aint any thing to do with performance more on the lines of getting the thing to start. Take off the pull cord assembly. there you will see the fan, in the center of the fan is a nut to take the fan off, get a battery power drill with a socket that fits the nut and pull the trigger to start the motor. SOOOO much easier than trying to wank it off to get it to start. only other thing you can do is to piss about with the carb, eg needles and getting more fuel into it. Change the air filters fit thicker petrol pipes may even be able to drill out the hole on the plastic fuel tank to get the fuel flowing faster?
  8. When i had my XVS 125 i only got 65mph average, and down hill i did get 75 but that was its max. so 65-70 is just fine, you aint going to get anything above 75mph out of one of these bikes due to thus reasons: Yes she is a V twin but the pistons are as big as a whiskey tumbler (if not smaller) She is a Cruiser thus big and lumpy and the 125 motor is doing its best to drag the bike and the rider. If you want to go faster then do your test. If you can't afford to do your test then the best way to help a bike go a bit better is to go down the Bobber route. Strip off as much shit as you can get away with thus making the bike lighter. Chopping the fenders, loosing all useless metal work. (sissy bars, racks, panniers etc etc) fitting drag bars will shift your weight forward thus making it more throw able around corners. Remember coming back from Southampton and over taking a GS 500 on the out side and he was quite shocked to have been over taken by a cruiser Every bike has its limitations for example the XVS 650 will struggle to get to a ton, its do able but fook me does it hurt you thighs, i easily get 95mph out of my 650 but after 2-3miles it starts to hurt. So..........................be happy with 60-70mph out of your XVS 125 Cause that all your gunna get.
  9. +1, I paid £100 but again i got to use there bike and they supplied the standard High viz etc. so £90 - £110 is a good ball park figure
  10. Looking good that Nev. At first glance that red did look Pink to me but now ive have a cuppa tea and actually woken up i can see its red I know what your saying about the weather, its been shit down here too. have you not got a garage or a kitchen you can chuck her in?
  11. I was working on the mini as it failed its MOT, then i played with the bikes bits before trying it on with the wife, which resulted in a slap
  12. HMMM someone is pissed off
  13. Noise


    Bollocks sorry Welshy, must have missed this, a Belated Congratulations! What sort of bike you after now?
  14. Good on you Grouch! don't be scared to get the tools out. Come on...............how can you brake some thing thats broken? And further more your a bloke, your meant to be in a cold shed / out on the drive with oil under your nails, rust in your face with a screw driver in the mouth and a lump hammer close to hand. WHERE BEHIND YOU MAN! DON'T GIVE IN.
  15. Grouch, I feel so sorry for you that I cant really take the piss no more. Personaly I wouldnt ride it any more just incase it gets you hurt or you brake down some where n your fucked. Sell it as spares n repairs n start saving.
  16. Is there nothing that WD40 and gaffa tape cant do????
  17. You mean pubs!
  18. I just use google maps, print the route off that i want then stick it in my pocket. (or if i had a tank bag)
  19. WTF kitty says it all about that fat girl
  20. Here we go a list of how to get a bike on the road. Introduce your self to a friendly motorcycle forum in the correct way Get your self a bike thats been stood for a while Drain fuel from every fuel holding area of the motorsickle While fuel is draining smoking isn't advised but i have done this and still have my eye brows Pump up tires as these will have gone down, and check there are no splits cracks or other obvious things wrong with the tires Check Spark plugs Charge battery (preferably the night before commencing work above) Install now charged battery Turn ignition key Hold throttle open for a few seconds push starter button and she will burst into life hopefully with a nice big bang from your pipes (if they are not standard)
  21. Right im not gear box wiz so i may not have the answer's mate. but lets give it a bash as im starting to feel sorry for you. Can you put her into first gear when the bike isn't running. Don't pull clutch in just smack her into gear? is there any thing stupid out of place? (missing bolt / nut, gear sticking out the side of the engine?) can you select every other gear and get neutral? and is there any grinding noises coming from the box when you try and select 1st? Just a quick check list to see if this brings any thing to the table and someone might know whats going on. Could you post a pic of the problem area at all?
  22. Fair one, i didn't have my sound on and was expecting some crazy arsed fool to scream past you on the hard shoulder or some thing
  23. Voted for Welshmans 1st offering as it looks used and abused!
  24. Just ordered my tajizzle. Will post up some pics when it's delivered
  25. Where was the fly by???? was it that fast that i missed it?
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