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Everything posted by Noise

  1. Noise replied to Noise's post in a topic in General
    Yer he has now buggered off, took a couple of goes but after 20 mins he had flown off over the fields. Foams, its more funny when it goes off topic, and it was actually Slice who sent it off topic to start with haha Now i wonder if the wife would let me get that blue tongue'd lizzard
  2. Noise replied to Noise's post in a topic in General
    Bollocks! You heard that off the simpsons tree house of horrors ha ha
  3. Noise replied to Noise's post in a topic in General
    Yer but with a gurt big stick i'll knock em down, jackdaw i'll av' im. dal la la la laaa
  4. Noise replied to Noise's post in a topic in General
    Well its looks like it was short lived as after a night in a warm house and plenty of sleep he is flapping like mad and has done a couple of laps around the warehouse so im going to let him go later on. Go a nice big bush (insert joke here) round the side of the warehouse that has a hole in the middle (insert next joke) which i will stick him in (inser the last joke)
  5. Noise replied to Noise's post in a topic in General
    Just took took him out on my smoke break and he seams happy as pig in shit
  6. Noise replied to Noise's post in a topic in General
    He was just having a stretch there, not broken wing.
  7. Noise replied to Noise's post in a topic in General
    Here he is in his temporary home
  8. Noise replied to Noise's post in a topic in General
    Yer but not into the big breasted ones, any more than a hand full then they are hard to control
  9. Noise replied to Noise's post in a topic in General
    Yer i'll try and get some piccies later tonight once i've snuck him past the dog and the wife. Saying that i have actually called him Daniel
  10. Noise posted a post in a topic in General
    I have just become a foster dad................................to a baby Jackdaw. Poor little git was kicked out his nest and was left for dead. his wings are find and has pleanty of grip in his feet but just refuses to fly. He's got all his feathers and looks in a great deal of health so i tentivly picked him up expecting to be pecked to death by him and his parents but nothing! no hastle from him folks and he just sat in my arms and had a good look around before purching on my shoulder and thats where he is sitting right now at my office desk (with a few wierd loks from passers by) gunna take him home and get some meal worms down him and bulk him up ready for when he wants to fly the nest (well......house) Slightly happy with my new pet
  11. Noise replied to drewpy's post in a topic in General
    Signed it
  12. Noise replied to mailee's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Agreed with Cynic, your never get ALL the oil out unless you strip the engine down. Mailee, prop the bike up on a block of wood under the side stand (with some thing to stop it falling over the other way) or get a helper to sit the bike up straight as said above and check the oil glass then. if you still can not see the oil drop then drain the oil and take off the cover, you can get a cotton ear bud in there to clean them but if you want to take the glass out is just a circlip and then it pops out. But dont forget to buy a new gasket for the cover before you take it off.
  13. Noise replied to Noise's post in a topic in Video Section
    Same with this one Rock Version
  14. Noise posted a post in a topic in Video Section
    I love this song. But the rock version is much better.
  15. Noise replied to gc1978's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Im a massive fan of the virago dont know why you think i hate them (ppfffttt hahahahahahaha) im just not keen on the way they look with that swan neck frame and the way they have made the engine part of the frame. Personally it just all looks out of proportion and once fitted with panniers just looks over loaded. Shame about your pannier tho, have you thought about putting some heat resistant tape on / inside the bottom of the new ones once you get a set?
  16. Noise replied to Noise's post in a topic in General
    Yup, in short thats pretty much all it needs but dont forget the crap load of chrome too and panniers with tassels
  17. Noise replied to Noise's post in a topic in Projects
    Well i have finally gone past 250miles on Betty now and she is running great! got a slight flat spot mid range but then she picks up again and she's off. My arse keeps slipping off the seat when i forget to squeeze my legs in before i give her a blast but i still got my poo valve which hasn't been ripped off by the rear wheel. Anyone got any ideas how to get rid of or reduce a flat spot in the rev range?
  18. Noise replied to gc1978's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Was this the one on Ebay going for about £4k? and was in BSH in 2013 as "............Budget bobber"? Its a very nice Bobber, personally i flipping hate white walls but atleast its not a virago or has panniers ha ha.
  19. Noise replied to PyroVee's post in a topic in General
    Thats smart as hell!!! Ive got no front fender and it passed the mot fine and never had any problems with the law. Ive just left the metal support on to "act" as a fender.
  20. Noise replied to lallasro's post in a topic in Video Section
    Yer it will only cost $56 trillion to do the whole of the USA http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/183130-solar-roadways-passes-1-4-million-in-crowdfunding-just-short-of-the-56-trillion-required-but-not-bad-for-a-crazy-idea Im sure they got a couple of Trillion hidden away some where
  21. Noise replied to PyroVee's post in a topic in General
    I take it your doing the XVS125 into the bobber? To start with are you 100% sure the solid stuts you have put on the rear can with stand all that punishment of hitting a pot hole at say 55mph? At the end of the day it is down to the police officers descretion, touch wood i have not been pulled and my bike aint exactly bob standard or a stealthy ninja when it pulling away. Do what you think is ok and is safe, personally i feel the struts aren't a great idea but i've not seen what they look like etc but if you think they are man enough to do the job then spot on!. Hows about some photos of it, would love to see what you've done
  22. Noise replied to Noise's post in a topic in General
    Spondooliks?? im guessing you mean money? thats the only thing really is if i did sell her what would be a reasonable price to ask for her. I most likely will sell her next year at some point for some thing with more pulling power but im not sure i could see here go after all thats been done. Yer i could have got her in "Good Food Annual" mag instead
  23. Noise replied to Noise's post in a topic in General
    Most likely i'll be put in the in the male seeking male adverts knowing my luck
  24. Cool! didn't know that. every day is a school day as they say.
  25. Noise replied to lallasro's post in a topic in Video Section
    Yer but what if someone has a bad day at the office and decides they do not want to program in road lines and instead programs in a 6mile long cock? now that would make a boring drive funny