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Everything posted by Noise

  1. I would have at least made an effort to kick her f**king car! but saying that i have got a nice collection of wing mirrors building up in my bin as i find that "most" cars drivers dont need them/use them so i help out with there little problem by removing them (PRICKS!)
  2. Why is a Pork pie like a Grannies Fanny.........? Because you have to bit the crust, suck out the jelly before you get to see the meat! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How do you know that you have a high sperm count? Cause your missus has to chew before she swallows.
  3. Good choice with the screen! ha-ha! no personal dig to those who have but i HATE looking at bikes with the highway hawk of custom shrome catalogue plastered all over them! waste of time and money in my opinion and a screen!! well thats just the stupid cherry on top of the shit hill. Getting back to your pegs i will have a look through my haynes manuel tonight after work to see if there is any thing in there about this switch gear and to see if it complicates the change over (unless some one is at home now with a manuel that can help out?) Im always hitting my pegs on round abouts and some times on corners but im gunna get my mate to spin some new pegs up on his laith that are a bit shorter so that i can solve that problem. Dont let it bother you nothing will happen just looks fucking awsome with sparks following you round every bend lol
  4. Lol Clip ons are a long term joke between me and my mate at work as he is fitting a set of clip on bars to his Buell n i said i should do the same........IF you design a chopper right and you have the back bone for it you can fit clip ons to a cruser (check out Russ Mitchells Exile chopper range) Yes a screen will help with the human sail effect to a certain degree but they are also a brick in design as stream lining gose but im sure you can get a smart small one like the ones some triumph rocket 3's have (if you want a screen that is?) All down to personal taste mate.....im into bobbers thus i remove every thing thats not needed. (hey i even ran my bike with no indecators, just point to where im going) loosing the crap as said will give you more grunt for free! Just my 2p
  5. Et walla! Cheaper this way as if you pay a guy to make them for you it will cost just the same then your gunna have to heat paint them which will cost you more. As you want them to be a nice finish your gunna want them TIG welded which takes more time thus costs more in labour, then the cost of the pipe plus cost of bending (labour basically) The pipes with out the price tag are the ones i was gunna get at £330 but then i dun my test and got my 650.
  6. Welcome to the club (i would stick up a intro in the new bee section of the site tho if i was you just to be nice and what not) As for your questions. Yes floor boards can be removed and replaced with pegs, my 650 custom had floor boards and other bollocks fitted and only took 5mins to do. DONT drill your pipes! keep them and save up your dosh as when it comes for an MOT you will be shown the middle finger with after market pipes and standard pipes with holes in, i know they are shit but its for a reason.....keep looking on Ebay, i go my pipes for £100! nothing wrong with them but they are gunna have a different look by next year. And as for BHP sadly these bikes cant really be tuned apart from the above from Fearless Joe, get new pipes and a rejet but the BIG diffence you can make to the performance.........DONT READ THE HIGHWAY HAWK CATALOGUE! get rid of every optional extra that you dont need! just like stripping out a race car, looseing weight will increase power to weight ratio thus making you go faster! my bike will easily do 95! till i get a head wind that is lol also with standard bars and with it being a cruser your riding possition is the same as a boats sail so one bit of wind will slow you down, so i would suggest fitting clip one bars lol (na only joking) but your riding possition will hindor your performance. All the best Keith
  7. Fantastic rider who was and would have been as big as lorenzo and rossi! Qualifying will never be the same and nor will the start of any race! He was the one who luaghed at health and safty to a sertain extent which made lorenzo and those alike say he was dangerous (which he was now and then) but he did it in a way that made us love him! we all like a rogue and it just so happened to be a poodle headed spanish bloke! lol RIP Marco our thoughts are with your family and race team!
  8. Noise

    My Bobber project

    Maybe........Maybe not lol
  9. Noise

    My Bobber project

    Right Guys its time to start the project! last weekend i built a shed with me mate Dave (built it from scratch) then today we stuck her in there ready to strip her down! Tomorrow im gunna have the front and rear end off so that its down to the main trunk so that i have more room to move. Well here are a few pics to keep you guys tuned into "FARMER COUNTY CHOPPERS!" lol The room i have at the moment Ignition barrel will be moving And some thing colourful will be happening here o and some thing will be moving from here too lol but i shall let you guess what O and one last teaser i will be getting rid of my clutch lever.........but what will i be using for a clutch??????? Stay tuned
  10. LOL i have no beef against Harley riders at all i absolutley WANT a harley (my step dads also got a 1988 sporty) my post was merly a dig at those with more money than me who can afford one lol (jelousy)
  11. Hi dude.....i m new to this group...actuly i am planning to buy an ENTICER....so can u please tell me the miles per gallon of it...because i heard so many different things....one Enticer owner said 35-40km/l & another said 55-60km/l & one said 83km/l on highway...please tell me what your bike gives you.........as soon as possible please There you go DUDE a little help from a highly dislexic person and a dictionary. They dont cost much....they come free with every modern day PC just press F7 Job done!
  12. Think my parents must have got every thing from that Argos catalogue including there hair cuts! out of all of that id must rather get the mecharno sets! wish i still had mine now.....not the same any more, nor is Lego! all pre made crap now, leaves no room for imagination.
  13. Yer but come off it, Harley riders these days are nothing like the "Bad Ass bikers" back in the day they are more than likely mid life crissis bank managers with more money than sense that just wanna cruse around parades flashing off all ther chrome parts they have just spent the past year polishing. Thats why yours are louder lol ( o hello Mr Hells angel lol)
  14. Right it cant be excess air through the pipes to make her back fire etc so its gotta be over fueling slightly so a re-jet and your baffles "should" do the trick (i wont say will just in case there some other under lining issue which is making her pop lol) but im shore it will make a big differance. Not shore on the price on a rejet as mines already been done (so im told) but im sure if you set a side £200 then that should more than cover it. And yes those two small neat little holes are for condensation build up, just a way of stopping the pipes rotting from the inside out.
  15. Hey bud, with the back firing/ popping stupid question but....have you tightened the pipes up the the correct tourque settings and replaced the gasket? you "MAY" have a blow on the engine to exhaust join, thats what happened to me when i put my new pipes on being a cheap ass i couldn't be fucked with getting a new gasket right away so i threw the pipes on and they where popping n banging away like a good'en setting off a few car alarms on the way but once i got a new gasket and tightened up to the correct setting job was a propper one! Just a thought tho, you may have already done it but it sounds like you got excess air going through the pipes which is making them bang. All the best Keith
  16. Noise

    My Bobber project

    Hey guys, well not much has happened to the bike over the last week or so, one becuase of the flipping weather freeking out now and then and also cause any chance i could i was out riding it. but this week end or the week end after she is coming off the road. With that in mind her is the next thing on the shopping list and if any one else is after one of this size its the best one for that price! spent a whole day comparing prices and its the cheapest one but with good reviews! http://www.shedstore.co.uk/wooden-garden-sheds/windsor-sheds/overlap-apex-86/windsor-overlap-double-door-apex-garden-shed-8-by-6 All the best Keith
  17. I totally agree with ya girl! i too have a spinal injury, (not as bad as you have had it ) i slipped two discs, straightend the lumber spine, in result my discs are degenerating faster than normal and i have siatiker all from a accident when i was serving in the Army. Been through rehab etc and im ok but still not 100% but at the age of 23 i aint gunna let it stop me and nor should it stop you (which as we can see its not lol) Crack on and get your test done (not sure how old you are but if your over 21 get your direct access done soon) and get your self a monster i test rode one and its fantastic for both upright possision and for a bit of knee down shits and giggles, i also had a spin on a Suzuki sv 650 which i found a bit too over the tank and after a 20min ride i had to turn back and get off as my back wouldn't take any more.
  18. I agree, its a fantastic film/tribute to Burt Monro's life and how he made the journy from Invicargil (written with one L to save ink lol) all the way to the Salt flats. If i was a single man and wasn't blessed with my Daughter i would most def have a plot of land with just a garage to tinker on bikes! Burt was and still is a legend a guy who made the phrase "couse we can" a fact.......Why did he make his indian go 200MPH?........ cause he can!
  19. ditch the pillion, saves money on comms gear & saves on fuel & gives you better performance. buy her a nitting kit or a 5000 piece puzzle set......keeps her happy for those long hours your away ;o)
  20. hope all gose well with your first ride home. dont let the wet put you off its not all bad. Just rememeber.....skin is water proof! lol
  21. Hi Mike Welcome to the club! Nice choice in number of bikes think if i had the money id have a different bike for different days of the week! As Ttaskmaster said, get as much time on the road as you can... if you live near a busy town center, deliberatly go out on the bike a rush hour (be carful tho as there are some twats out there) but this will get you use to slow manuvering and clutch control and confideance around other traffic. Any one can ride on quiet roads but un till you meet traffic...thats when your riding skills are tested and learned. I wish you all the luck mate, just relax and take all the time you need...after all...you paid for the bladdey thing its your time your using some take things slow. ;o)
  22. And there web site http://www.bloodhoundssc.com/car.cfm
  23. Some more you tube Vids
  24. Hey guys, i know its nothing to do with bikes buti think this is worthy of a thread. A English based team are currently in the process of building "bloodhound SSC" which is a Rocket and jet powered car (engine from a Euro fighter) which will be able to reach over 1000MPH!!! it will have about 100,000BHP but you cant really put a BHP figure on a jet engine as its all about thrust. 0-1000MPH will take 42 SECONDS! Its has three braking systems which are an air brake deployed at 800MHP followed by Parachutes at 600MPH followed by Friction brakes at 200MPH And just to put the speed into perspective here is what it will do Four and a half football pitches in 1 second 150 metres in the blink of an eye faster than a bullet fired from a Magnum 357 Its own car length in less than 3 hundredths of a second You tube computer simulation of it FANTASTIC!
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