Everything posted by paul g
yamaha rs200
Ok thanks Jim for the info on the bike. The one hes got for sale is the high handle bar model with twin seats. I have never owned a 2 stroke bike but from what you are saying they can be a bit of a pig to maintain and keep running correctly.I must admit i do like the look and style of the bike and would use it to commute to work. Its the kind of bike at the price he wants you could use for a few years and still have a resale value of what he wants for it Paul
yamaha rs200
yamaha rs200
Has any one ever owned a Yamaha RS 200 1981 model, and if so what do you think of them?. I know its a twin cylinder 2 stroke engine but i havnt seen many of these around. I was thinking about buying one off a freind of mine in quite good condition with full MOT on it. Would it be considered a classic bike these days and something worth holding onto for a few years. Best Regards Paul
wheel bearing
ok update , job sorted was a bitch though. i tried the dremel first but the stones just wore away real quick so had little impact . Then i got the arc welder on it and welded 4 spots on it high enough to get a large drill bit on the spots to hit them with a hammer. What surprised me was that the bearing race cracked and broke when i hit the arc spots and the rest of the bearing came out easy enough. I then cleaned it up and put the new bearings in. A bit unauthodox but it worked for me.
wheel bearing
cheers, i will keep you posted uve been a great help
wheel bearing
yes it is an arc welder and i know it need care to weld this washer on but its worth a go theres not too many other options on this one
wheel bearing
no i can not hit ay part of it in the required direction . I like the idea your putting and this would work . I have a welder so i could do this myself. Best Regards Paul
wheel bearing
Hi, My name is Paul Garnett but better known as Alf. I have a Yamaha xj600s 1998. I passed my test 2 years ago and bought this, and am enjoying biking but i started late as i am 44. Its good to chat to people who are into thier biking because you get a lot of feedback and help with issues that are difficult to ressolve and hopefully i can do the same for others. Paul
wheel bearing
The bearing was in such a bad state when i checked it it was almost collapsed. when i tried to knock it out it fell apart and left the outer casing in situe. i was wondering if it tried to break it out with a chisel would that work ? Paul
wheel bearing
Can any one help I have a problem with one of the rear wheel bearings. I was changing the bearing and when i tried to tap out the bearing it collapsed leaving the outer bearing casing still in the wheel hub. Its the single bearing side and i can not get anything in there to tap the bearing casing out from the other side as there does not appear to be any way of getting to it. Has any one ever had this problem and how did you get it out? cheers Paul