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  1. thesickness replied to Preload's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Being a vw aircooled fan, my recommendation is a £19 draper strobe readily available on Ebay,..
  2. thesickness replied to Grouch's post in a topic in General
    If you are making wine start with the 6 bottle youngs kits. They come in a tin and are failsafe and really good. So simple to make, open tin, pour into demi-john add sugar water and yeast, wait a while then add stabiliser and shake like fuck a few times..wait a little while longer, et-voila! perfect clear tasty wine! The elderflower and sauvingnon blanc are good in white, for red blackberry or black cherry are delicious. About £8 for 6 bottles..
  3. Yes I will get some pics up, good idea. Like I said earlier thanks for all the help, it's been a whole learning curve but in a short I almost feel I know the bike inside out. I have decided to keep the bike for myself after all the work I've put in, I'm going to be the fastest 50cc kid in the town aged 40
  4. Got the bike revving, Thanks All! And the culprit was................................. .................Cdi coil! Fitted a new one and the bike revs happily now. Really got some enthusiasm now to carry on and finish the project
  5. Sorry, thanks for your time, electrics are my weakness. and not great on multimeter OK so on pickup (red/white) I get 116 multimeter set to 200- within manual spec and on loading coil (green/ white) I get 665 multimeter set on 2000 - out of manual spec which is 730 +- 35
  6. Some further investigation today, I tested the wires from the stator looking for 2 readings as per manual: Red /white -pick up 120ohms approx (yes correct reading, about 121ohms) green/ white-loading coil 730ohms approx (NOTHING- NO READING!!) Could anyone explain this in laymans terms, could this be my running problem?
  7. I'll get some mags on their way, fishing, cars, dunno about bike mags, kerrang and such like....All new and unread, cool
  8. daft question but can the caps go bad? Visually it looks perfect but I guess it is a cheap process of elimination..
  9. Yeah sorry, I did spray fuel during idling and accelerating - no difference.. Changed the spark plug for a brand new un, still the same, grrr!! next move is probably try the coilpack then back to carb,
  10. Sorry, choke on or off no difference and no I haven't tried another sparkplug although the problem was there right from the top end rebuild I did with a new plug at that point..
  11. I have just taken the carb off and had a look at the reed valve, it looks good. tried spraying some petrol down the throat of the carb while idling, it didn't really do anything. The screw in the middle of the carb that moves the throttle slider works (moving it alters idle speed) but the screw on the back of the carb with the spring on (mixture or volume? ) doesn't seem to do anything,as its revving you can turn that screw any number of times and it doesn't change much at all... revving slowly does not help, it doesn't seem to rev clean to 5/6k then hits the brick wall it revs a bit crappy at all times other than idle...
  12. Hi, got the bike idling fine but it just wont rev out past about 5 or 6k. I have uploaded a video to youtube here: Had the carb to bits a few times and it all looks good, only thing I noticed was I have an 82 main jet and the book says 88...? It will sit there idling happily all day just wont rev well, it has a new barrel and piston (am6 engine and dellorto phbn12 carb. Choke on/off makes little difference Starting to think it might be electrical as the bike had been left out in the rain before I got it and every electrical connection was corroded, all connections gone through and fixed now though...new ht lead and plug cap. Exhaust isn't blocked Things I havent tried is the coilpack, reed valve (looks ok in appearance)... Would trying a new carb be a good idea as I can get a used one off ebay fairly cheap, although as i say the carb LOOKS fine, all jets clear, the only thing I did notice is there is a passage that goes into the float chamber with a connection for a pipe on the outside of the carb... not sure if this is supposed to have a pipe on or not? It performs the same way with the pipe open or blocked with a rubber cap... Any help greatly received!
  13. not really, maybe a little..
  14. I'm in the process of breathing some life into a very abused tzr50 that in all honesty was fit for the scrap yard! Its been a long process, but eventually feel i'm getting there.. From no electrics whatsoever because it had been left outside in rain, electrics and lights now work. Couldn't get the thing started, no compression, fitted a new barrel + piston now starts! really starting to look like a nice bike, its been in bits, lots of new paint, it's going to look a cracker when done. Been tinkering over the last few days and got it to start and idle fine. Now it does not seem to rev much past 4000rpm and does not rev clean, tried altering screws on carbs every which way but loose but still no joy.... Any help would be gratefully recieved, very new to 2 stroke motors!