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  1. Hmmmmm this sound like a tricky one, if it is not bleeding then there must be something jammed in the pipes or the lever is broke. I have changed pads on mine before but when i did i never disconnected any pipes, one thing that was very clear why my brake would not work was the fact the the pads were so rusted and impossible to move. What i would do is try to unblock the pipe and look at the condition of your caliper, and lastly when filling with new fluid be sure not to allow any air into the system, this can be avoided by having the nib of the oil conatined fully emersed in your oil resevoir. Let me know how you get on Elliot
  2. The first thing that i would do for it running like a 'Dog' is try check the fuel and air mixture, simply take your plug out after letting the bike run for a couple of mins just ticking over. Obsever the colour of the threads if they are black as sin then you are running on too much fuel so down size your jets or allow more air in, but if it is really clean then you are running on too much air again you can up size your jets or change the air to fuel mixture. The over heating problem firsly i would recomend checking the radiator fluid and that u have enough in if any, but also check the gaskets if they have gone it will be peeing out water and over hetaing. Lastly check that water is flowing through your system becuase if it isnt then you baby is gunna go bang Hope it helps let me know how you get on Elliot