Everything posted by Godzilla
Parking in London
Minor rant coming on. I live in London, in a tower block, we have some lockup garages around the base of the block so i thought it would be nice if i could get one to keep my bike in. There is also a lady with a bike who lives nearby and i thought she would like to share garage when i sorted it out. (Helpful like that me) So i gets on to the local council who proclaim no vacant garages anywhere in the known universe, now i had done a little recce and found 7 empty ones all boarded up so i informed the fella that i had been talking with. A week later he gets back to me and says he has found the keys to 2 garages and as the council has the keys they must be empty. (Happy Happy Joy Joy) So he gives me the numbers of said garages and asks if i can find them as they don't appear on the "SYSTEM" I find them and report back. The council fella says he will come round with the keys and show me the empty lockups so i can take my pick. Well all is good until this chap shows up (Under protest cos it's raining and he doesn't have a brolly) a week later. I take him round to show him where the garages are and he says "Oh these ones, you can't have one of them cos when they become empty we just board them up" so now he knows where they are he will have them boarded up. I feel i right numpty cos the council didn't even know they existed til i found them and had i have just busted the door open and put my own locks on i would have had a rent free lock up that no one would have ever checked. What a bunch of now i don't have a garage and neither does anybody else but down to my helpfulness the council are 2 sheds closer to selling an empty plot of land for zillions of quids. Could anyone help in my finding secure parking in east london?
A simplhello
Guilty as charged. Hello all
back to star-rider school
LOL. A prime example of why when your mate asks if he can ride your bike, you say NO
New Road Tax Scheme
Thanks for that. There is also some interesting petitions about crash barriers, national speed limit and compulsory bike training for car drivers amongst other thing.
Help with Paint
I was hoping to do it myself as its only a little bit of plastic. You might be able to help upon closer inspection i found a phone number which is now not working:( But it seems that the mysterious Bike Paint where based in cheshire possibly warrington. Any ideas???
My YZF 750R
Spot on. The wheels and brakes are from a KH 550 so i could do away with the spoked wheels and stick a disc on the back wheel.
Help with Paint
Hi, I am trying to find a company called bike paint. I have found Bike-Paint.co.uk but after a quick phone call it would appear these aren't the droids i am looking for. Story is i have just got hold of a single seat cover but it is the wrong colour. My bike has a custom paint job Cadbury boost colours done by the previous owner. One of the Stickers on the bike says Bike paint and i assume these are the guys who did the paint job i want to get hold of them so i can match the colour for my seat cover. Any help email or phone numbers would be greatfully recieved as it would be a shame to fook it up by getting the wrong one. Cheers
My YZF 750R
Finally managed to find some pics of the 400 four. Warning Classic bike fans may want to look away now. Now bonus points if you can identify the bits that don't belong to a 1978 400 four
starting problems!!!! please help
I also agree that it sounds like you have carb issues. If i remember correctly the DT's have really tiny jets so a small bit of crap coming from either your air filter or petrol tank can bung them up. It's not a major job to pull the carb off on the DT, once it's off give it a wipe round with a bit of kitchen roll and blow out both the pilot and the main jet. A quick squirt of WD40 should do it then blow through them and check it's clear. Also pull the air filter out of the air box and give it a clean, wiping the air box out with kitchen roll. It is always worth investing a quid or so in an inline fuel filter to prevent bits from your tank getting in and a few more quid on a washable air filter as it's surprising how much gunk they pick up. A nice clean air filter will also improve your performance no end. If you feel like de-restricting the exhaust adding an aftermarket air filter and rejetting you can up performance a bit but it will cost you a number of pistons and rings while you sort out the right balance. I have a box full of holed pistons after doing this with my old DT's. It's kind of fun though.
My YZF 750R
Here are a couple of pics of my shiney YZF. When i get chance i will post some pics of my Honda 400 four streetfighter!!!
Things Not To Say To A Cop
You could try. "Sorry, i have no idea how fast i was going. Without my glasses i can't see as far as the speedo" "While you're hear i'll have a 99 with a flake please" or adopt your best Kenneth Williams voice "OOH don't you look smart in your uniform"
Things Not To Say To A Cop
Following a very silly incident which resulted in me recieving a well deserved ban (Don't race coppers in north wales cos when you fall off and they fish you out of a hedge they still chuck the book at you) I asked a rather red faced rozzer how many points i would get? he screamed YOU GET BANNED!!!! and when i asked if i got any for artistic impression he bounced my head of the roof of the police car. Ah to be young and stupid.
Funny Stories
My 1st bike was a DT50 and i used to tootle about everywhere on that little bike. 1st falling off happened on the way to work (The last time i went in on a saturday for a bit of extra cash) It was a lovely sunny summers day and i came off a roundabout behind a bunch of neds in a ford fiesta as i turned off the roundabout i watched in slow motion as one of the little oiks dumped a mug of coke out of the car window. Well, daft off road tyres met slippy soft drink and my teenaged arse was soon skipping down the street at a princely 35mph. My second parting from my little DT came after getting a puncture, again at a roundabout, came into roundabout, police car on the next turning i started on my way and just as i started to lay the massive hp to the road the back wheel slipped round in the tyre and catapulted me upside down into the front wing of the aforementioned police car. Old bill was most helpful and as no harm was done drove off leaving me to pick myself up and try to get home. Ah the memories, desperatly trying to squeeze 40mph out of a bike slightly less powerful than your average hoover.