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  1. jdogg00074 replied to jdogg00074's post in a topic in The Bar
    Thanks ill look into those and see if i can find it. Thanks again. Josh
  2. jdogg00074 posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    hey guys thanks for all the help previoius to this thread, you guys are top notch. I am trying to figure out my wiring on the lights to my 76 DT400 and need a wiring diagram. I have a manual and i have looked at parts schematics but have not been able to find a complete wiring diagram for my bike to sort it out. If you could either email me one or instruct me on where to find one i would greatly appreciate it. I got a diagram from an awesome memeber on here for a 78DT400 but it has some stuff on it my bike was not equipped with in 76 so i need one for me year. Thanks again gents. Josh
  3. You guys are going to laugh when you hear about this one. So i got my manual in the mail today and saw the fluid level needed to be 32 oz and i filled it all the way up and the sound went away, bike runs like a champ lol. Thanks for the advice anyway, i really apreciate it.
  4. I don't have one yet but i have a website for schematics online. My manual should be coming in the mail in the next few days. I see on the schematics that there is one ball bearing as well as what look like bearings in the clutch basket. Ill be pulling the clutch out in the next day or so, is there anything i should know beforehand or any parts i should buy to replace while im in there like gaskets or anything?
  5. Thanks DT for the info. I do not like the sound of that one bit. How difficult was it to split the case? I am pretty savvy with this type of stuff, just don;t like to bite off more than I can chew. I plan on pulling the clutch plates out and checking them but after some more thought i concluded it was more likely a bearing issue since the clutch was engaging well.
  6. Thank God for a forum like this one for those us of reviving these awesome old bikes. I really appreciate all the help ahead of time guys. -- OK i recently purchased a DT400 and it supposedly had 700 original miles on it, but it is in really good shape and runs pretty well. I had a buddy drive it home for me due to being in the military and not being able to according to my chain or command, and after a 90 min ride it developed a horrid noise coming from the gearbox/clutch basket area. This noise does not occur when i have the clutch held in, but if i let it out, regardless of gear the noise comes and it sounds like a screeching that changes with the throttle pull. It immediately goes away when i hold in the clutch unless i tip the bike, then it starts to come back if i tip it either side the more i tip the louder it gets. I rode it and the clutch responds fine in every gear, and feels solid. I also changed the fluid but it did not make a difference. I suspect the clutch going out, despite still engaging fine. Anyone have any advice?