Hello All hope that I come to the right place to see about getting some help. Here is what I have on my hands. My bike will start and run but will not charge the battery. I hooked up a multimeter when riding, volts will drop if I go over 5000 RPM, Hit my breaks or use turn signals. and when I turn the bike off volts climb to 12.48 volts. Things I have tried.
* Tested Stator with multimeter and get a reading of .6 ohms between all three legs.
* Tested rotor and get reading of 3.4 ohms (yes its a little high but still good)
* Changed out brushes
So my next move should be to check the voltage regulator I would think. However I have no ideal on how to do so and what specs or volts I should or shouldn't have. Can someone please help me out with this info thank you.