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  1. Welcome, I think some one somewhere on this site may be able to help, Jay
  2. Hi all, Have got to clean the carbs now that have found how to i was wondering which solvent degreaser ppl wud recommend? Preferably cheap as on a studnet budget atm lol Thanx in advance for any help Jay
  3. How long doe you leave it standing is there any chance of there being some gunk or evaporated fuel if stored for a while in the Carbs? I know mine has that issuenjust waiting for gud weather to get it sorted Yours sounds similar to mine so mite be worth a go.
  4. Thanx, shows what the local dealership round here knows then :-( lol
  5. HI, What spark plugs should be in a 1995 XJ600S Divy? In the bike atm is CR8E's but having looked on various websites/garages the concencus recommended B6HS. What is the general opinion on the ones suppose to be in the engine. Many thanx in advance for the assistance Jay
  6. Sorry Southerner by birth, now a middle of the road Midlander lol, Thanx for the welcome Guys
  7. Howdy all, Hoping can get help with my trusty XJ600S Divvy Jay
  8. Hi, I ahve a 1995 XJ600S Diversion (1995 M- reg)and need to clean my carbs after an 18mth spell off the road. Have just looked in my Haynes manual and to remove clean and reinstall them is four pages plus. Does anyone have a shorter method thats suitable for a new home mechanic? or is the Haynes way the best way? Thanx in advance Jay