Everything posted by sooty157
TZR 50 doing 65mph????
Hi clarke, I'm gonna get the gps on both cars and the ped tomorrow to see what it reveals and post the results but it sort of digress's from my question even if the ped's only doing 55 when the car's following at an assumed 65 because even if we say a conservative 55 mph is this still possible on a 2004 bike that should be restricted to 30 mph with a stock motor and minimum fiddling with caus i know for a fact it's got standard sprockets, standard carb and it's original stock barrel (I checked all these before posting this thread).
TZR 50 doing 65mph????
Just to add, cars of the 80's had a 10% discrepancy due to speedo head calibration and piss poor quality mechanical components. I seriously doubt my modern day 3 series with speed sensors from the box and all 4 corners all communicating on a Can Communications network can be 10% out or surely BMW and technology have gone nowhere in 30 years.
TZR 50 doing 65mph????
Thanks for the sensible comment Blackhat, and no around 80 kilos, and foamy my 50's actually been to similar speeds..... in the back of LWB transit when I picked it up. Like I've tried to explain I'm not a spotty teenager telling tales or tall stories, I have Myself as many of you probably have restored many classic 2 strokes across the years and simply asking with more modern 2 strokes is it easier to gain significant power increases from a lawnmower engine with relatively simple de-restrictions?
TZR 50 doing 65mph????
Hi, just to add before people ask the question I have been riding for 30 years so not on a moped licence and my own car clocks it at the same speed. It's got an aftermarket pipe and everything looks to be standard.
TZR 50 doing 65mph????
Fancied a little bike to relive my youth and came across the TZR 50 and loved it's looks so much I bought it (wasn't even looking for a 50), went out on it with a friend of mine on his restored 350lc and found my little ped actually flew and was going faster than the speedo would tell me. It hits a powerband in every gear at 6000 rpm and he clocked me at 64mph going into the red in top gear (had a bit left in it but I didn't want to hold it in the red). Anyway my question is is my flying ped likely to have had a big bore kit fitted somewhere down the line or can this be achieved with the stock motor?
rd125lc jetting advice
thanks for that tuesday i'm thinking about putting the standard exhaust on see what it runs like then.
rd125lc jetting advice
hi, i've just finished restoring a mk.2 rd125lc it's all standard apart from a micron period exhaust, i replaced the the standard 195 jet with a 210 as a starting point but it seems really sluggish before getting to the powerband i.e at low revs it doesn't want to pull unless you drop it down a gear or two. does anyone have any ideas on the correct jet size?