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Everything posted by nedesico

  1. Ok. I know this is waaaay after this topic got started, but I'd like to throw in my 2 cents. I had a +1 tooth sprocket installed on my 2007 YBR and it makes a heluva difference. For example, each gear increased 5km/h to 10km/h and in the end my 4th gear's max speed does what my 5th gear did before the upgrade. That means I effectively have an extra gear. Yes, you loose a bit of power (no more than 5%) but I quickly fixed that by upgrading to a Cowley free flow exhaust, bigger jets and a new air filter/intake (Yamaha can help you with all of this and it's cheap). A bit overkill for a 125cc, but worth it when you can't have a bigger bike. Pull away is also well enough to beat 99% of bikes below 220cc. Fuel consumption went down from 38km/l to 32km/l AND considering I have 28992km on the dial. My top speed on average is above 140km/h and uphills are about 115km/h.