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  1. Xtdan replied to pulzelli's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Hi, Put key in ignition but do not switch on. Press and hold mode switch, now whilst still holding the mode switch turn on the ignition. That is what I do on my 05 model. XTdan
  2. Hi, I am hoping someone can help me with this. I am about to fit new valve stem seals so need to get the rockers off etc. Now the rocker arm shafts have a thread on them which you use to screw in a slide hammer and tap (pull) them out. I have a cd manual for a TTR125 which uses the same engine. This states that the tool required is part number 90890-01085 for the bolt. (I also lists a different tool number for the USA) The thread is almost a M6, but not quite! My question is does anybody know what the thread is? I asked on Thumpertalk.com, and people there were very helpful and all said it is M8 just like the cam, which it obviously isn't! (so that must explain why the USA have a different tool listed) Help anybody?????, please
  3. Xtdan replied to Smithy06's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Yes, of course you are right re the speedo signal - hands up! I had misread the meaning of the above post and was thinking they were meaning a throttle position sensor. I actually appears to be a heater. I have since found teh stutter to be common on loads of XT125's - and TTr125s (same engine) just bad carburation and can be cured by rejetting.
  4. Xtdan posted a post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Hi, Can anyone confirm for me if the TTR125 & Xt125R/X share teh same engine? I have been led to beleive this but not by a reliable source. They certainly look the same... but we all know that can be deceiving. Also 2 last pleas 1) can anyone help me get hold of a wiring diagram for an XT125R and 2) does anyone know of a way to up the power slightly I am not a learner rider, I just bought it as a cheap commuter, but really it has naff all power. (the headlight is uselesss as well! (even with an uprated halaogen lamp fitted) Thanks in advance XTDan
  5. Xtdan posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi, new to site, haven't owned a small bike for a long time!! I have just bought an XT125r for a bit of cheap and cheerful commuting (small 4 stroke trail style = easy to ride, frugal etc) as my last bike was not for the job (ZX6R). Anyway, I have not been able to get hold of a wiring diagram for it. It is too new a model for there to be a haynes manual. Can anybody out there help? Enjoy the biking everybody!!! Many Thanks Dan