Hi All
Hopefully one of you guys maybe able to help....I am having problems starting the DragStar...had the electric starter motor changed, about two years ago and it cost nearly £700 to replace...the bloody thing has gone again, I think! When I try to start the bike it just clicks....it tried to fire once but it was a really lame attempt! Does anyone have any ideas, other than throw the bloody thing in the Thames...what can be done or if a non-Yamaha part can be used to replace it? We went for the Yamaha part before, because we thought it would last longer, but it hasn't! I used my bike everyday to go to and from work and it has really dropped me in the crapper, by not working. Surely Yamaha should take some responsibility for producing sub-standard and may I add, not cheap, parts? If you are able to be of any help at all, I would be really grateful.
Thank you.