Hi: Please forgive me for my ignorance here. What is meant by this statement? "Continue to run the bowls dry and then refilling them with the gas line shutoff. "
Does this mean that I try to start my bike with the gas line turned off, until the bike dies due to no gas, then turn the valve back on to refill bowls, the turn the valve off, start, and let bike die again?
Another question: I'm a little concerned about trying to start my bike when gas is leaking out of the carb, making a puddle under the bike. Is there any danger here where fire is concerned?
I have a 2002 V Star 650 with only 2500 miles, and I'm having same problem, and would really like to avoid the hassle/expense factor to take it to the dealer. I don't mind going through this process, but as a woman who has limited riding experience, want to make sure I do it right. Any help would be greatly appreciated!