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Everything posted by Mastiff

  1. Mastiff posted a post in a topic in Classics
    My son's bike has damaged fork legs. Does anybody know if the fork legs from a watercooled RD 125 (LC) will fit, or if other legs will fit? I have found lower legs for CS5/RD200 on eBay, could those fit? Thanks in advance!
  2. Yeah, thanks. I know all about checking the front end after my son's little accident this spring.
  3. Drewpy, yeah, I'm using those user agents for a lot of stuff. CorradosandYahas, I think every thing like that is too extreme. I will go to a tyre shop nearby to be sure that it's bent. Then I'll try to find a wheel. I already have a possible wheel in Sweden, turned out that there was one on a classified ads site. Only problem is that it's on the wrong side of the country, but I'll try to get him to pack it and ship it. Then I need to find out what other parts that are damaged. I'm afraid it will be the whole front end. Or maybe only the steering crowns, and not the fork legs themselves are damaged.
  4. Yeah. Wrong type, unfortunately. That's for a watercooled/LC. The DX has another type. Photo stolen on the forum, couldn't find the ones I uploaded...
  5. Ah... OK, thanks. Now I know that. The problem will be finding something that fits. I searched a bit online, but couldn't find anything anywhere.
  6. Yeah, and even worse in Norway. The bike has never been sold here, so I think we have the only one on plates here! I'll get a guy from the insurance company later this week (I hope), so I will know more by then. But I can see where the car/trailer has hit it, theres a deep scuff mark that wasn't there before. It looks too deep to only have moved the tyre on the rim, but we can hope. Bloody annoying, he's had a couple of problems like that with his bike. But nothing really expensive, only the "dad, when are thos parts coming" type.
  7. Some moron damaged my son's bike when it was standing outside of the school, probably by backing a trailer on it. The bike didn't fall over (it's rather steady because the main stand and the both wheels have full contact at all times because the rear wheel is a bit larger than standard), but they bent the rim and probably the steering crown as well. Bloody annoying, I'd say! Especially since the insurance has a £300 part that you have to pay yourself even if it's somebody else's fault if you can't find them. If the school only had the surveilance cameras on the parking lot that you brits have everywhere! Still since we'll get paid for new parts and labour and I do the work on it myself, we won't loose any money. The only problem is the front rim. No source for that on eBay or any other places that are available to me here in Norway. Is it possible to straighten it up? The bend isn't large, but you can see it because of the senter stripe in the front wheel pattern when you drive it and feel it from the vibrations. If not, do you have any better sources for rims, somebody who will be willing to send to Sweden (our next door neighbour is a member of the EU, so that will remove the custom fees). Thanks in advance!
  8. Well, it's easy to get most of the stuff. I have found everything so far, except for that spacer. But I'm pretty confident I can get it made tomorrow, so the bike should be on the road Wednesday, which it needs to be.
  9. OK, thanks! I'll go for steel, then. I have some zink spray paint here, I guess I could use that. It's 36 mm long, 15 mm inner diameter and 23 mm outer diameter. So that should make the walls 3 mm. Maybe they have some kind of pipe that can fit.
  10. Well, I have mail warning. And no, he isn't all fixed up yet. We need the spacer, which isn't easy to find. So tomorrow I'm taking the measurements to a local machining shop to ask them to make somthing thatfits, in aluminium or steel. Perferably alu, so it doesn't rust.
  11. Nope, sorry. It was the break arm, not the torque arm. And the swing arm itself is OK. But I have managed to find the parts.
  12. Well, almost. Turns out they do not have the DX models there, as far as I can see.
  13. Thanks! Handy place!
  14. I have managed to find a set with spindle, spacer and nut that I think can fit my son's RD 125 DX '81 spoke wheel, but I would like to be sure. It's from an RD 200 DX, 1E8 model. Shouldn't that fit our bike? I think so, but I would like to be sure.
  15. The spacer on my son's bike was damaged, sort of welded into the chain tightener (which is not the correct word, but I'm sure you know what I mean). We had to saw that off (along with the spindle). I can perhaps use the spindle from an old RD 350 I have laying around in parts, but the spacer doesn't fit. Does anybody know the correct length of that? There are companies here that can machine it easily, as long as they know the measurements. The diameter is no problem since I have at least one undamaged part of it, but the length was impossible to measure exactly before cutting because it was partly inside the tightener. So can anybody tell me that? A source for a new spindle would of course not hurt either... Drop this, I have a better question in a new thread.
  16. Blue Urgent, unfortunately the bike's never been sold here in Norway, so there are no scrappies who has it. I'm going to try Sweden, though. That's where the bike came from. Mervin, I've searched all there is to search for RD 125 DX and 200 DX, but nothing. Which is why I'm wondering if there are any other bikes that have the same parts.
  17. Nayruf, thanks for the suggestion! This is a 81 (cast wheel) model. Problem is that there are no Yamaha-dealers in the area, so I wouldn't know where to go. I asked about the brake arm that Yambits sell, but that wouldn't fit my bike, she said. So I don't think it's that easy. Airhead, when did something as mundane as a near death experience teach an immortal 16 year old anything?
  18. My son changed his sprockets and chain, and he thought he had fastened all bolts and stuff. He was wrong. Luckily he wasn't dead wrong, though. He's still alive. But he obviously didn't secure the bolt to the torque arm, because that came loose, so the rod became a coil around the spacer and locked up his back wheel. He managed to keep the bike in his lane and stopped, but there was a bit of damage. So I need parts for the bike. The main thing is the brake arm, which snapped off. The rear wheel spindle and spacer are bent as well. Finally I need the rod, which is easy, since Yambits has those. But that's all they have. Does anybody know where I can find the brake arm, spindle and spacer? Yamaha does not have them in Norway because this bike has never been sold here. But are those parts the same as the parts for any other models? Thanks in advance!
  19. Thanks! Found it. Turns out I need 837, not 836. Back to the hunt, then.
  20. I have found an auction from JT's motorcycles on eBay UK, and it says: "YAMAHA RD200 DX / YCS1 / YB125 / YB200 38 TOOTH REAR SPROCKET (REPLICA)". I konw that the same models of 200 DX uses the correct sprocket, but I'm unsure about this one. It seems the part number is 836-38. Here's the auction: http://www.ebay.co.u...=item19ce66b299 It has the correct sprocket in the bottom left in the picture, but it's of course only an example. The annoying thing is that I tried to send a question to JT, but they're not open for that on eBay. Even though the auction says: Right. That's easy when it's impossible to ask questions! So does anybody know if this fits the RD 125 DX?
  21. Well, I have been waiting since this thread was started for answers on the air cooled RD forum, but I guess they don't like big dogs there.. Anyway he needs new sprockets and a chain, so we'r going to put a 38 (standard 39) rear and 16 front (standard 15) on it to see if that helps. I'm opening another thread because I'm wondering if I can use one rear sprocket I found on eBay.
  22. Thanks for the tips! I will pop in to the Aircooled RD forum and see what they have to say, since they are the experts. I must (embarassingly) admit that I didn't even think about the sprockets. That may work, I need to check what's on the bike.
  23. Cynic, weird how somebody with that screen name can be so sentimental! Thanks! 5 hp should be enough to do what I want. So I guess it's on to eBay to chase. Do you by any chance know if I can use the same pipes as some other models? Except for the DX 200, of course. They usually have the same parts. Btw the 200 barrels could be a nice thing. If I just swapped those, do you think I'd get about the same increase?
  24. I think you misread the first post a bit hear, mate. DX, not DTX. That's what confused me, you are describing stuff for a DTX! I have two 350 YPVS, and I know what an YPVS should look like, and I knew I hadn't seen one like that here. Oh, and they only make those for water cooled bikes, I think. The DX is air cooled.
  25. Thanks! But I don't think the DX has the YPVS system. Do they make DEP for the 125 DX? I don't think I've seen that. Also there are two cabs, maybe it's possible to just use bigger jets? As for Reed Block, does that mean buying something like this?