Everything posted by DamoR1
European Ride 2007
Bloody Knackered ! We are still planning the Ride in September and hope to take in as much as we can. we're gonna head down through Belgium to Germany and play around in the Alps for 5 day's, It should take in some of Bulgaria and Austria etc too. But I got back last night from 4 day's in France. Me and a mate ( Also ) on an R1 got the night ferry to La Havre, then took 5 hours and plenty of smooth, twisty country roads and a couple of fuel stops ( For us and the bikes ) and finally finshed in Garvay. We rode off along the coast to Saint Malo, Granville, Pontoson etc and found some fantastic roads. If you get the chance try out the N176 from Saint Malo to Pontoson or the D7 just outside Gavray. The N176 was good for 185mph ( I Tried but just couldn't get more ) and the D7 is made up of smooth sweeping twisties !!! Fan bloody tastic. But Now, I'm knackered !!!!!! Damo.
European Ride 2007
Paul yeah mate, we will be heading your way, lloks like we are on our way in september and should be a few of us. I've got 5 close mates all confirmed so far, 2 R1s, 3 GSXR1000's and a big fat slow Hybusa. We are off to France this bank holiday weekend 3rd - 7th may for a little ride too. keep in touch. Damo.
Summer Evening ride out from Box Hill to Berry Hill ( A29 )
If anyone is interested in getting a small group together for some after work rides let me know. I'm arranging with a couple of mates, R1 and Hybusa to do the A29 from Dorking ( Rykers ) to Berry Hill cafe, drop me a line if your up for it. Cheers Damo.
R1 Clutch
cheers paul, sorting it all out after the weekend.
R1 Clutch
How do i tell if my clutch is on its way out ? The bike seems to be jumping a bit at 100mph +, feels like its slipping and its been running hot, I think it smells like the clutch is burning a bit too, but this could just be my imagination.
- R1 Clutch
Funny Stories
I've made a few conclusions about dropping the bike on the dirt. 1. On a small bike, its slower , cheaper and less painfull 2. On a larger bike ( like mine ) its F***ing expensive, Hurts a bit, and happens so bloody fast that you dont have time to scream " Oh Shit, this is gonna hurt " does it slow us down ? Does it F**K, have fun Damo.
Hi all newbie here
Welcome to the forum mate. a good choice of bike too. I went from a NSR 125 to an FZR 600 when I passed my test years ago, its like going from a Mini to a Ferrari, Good luck and ride safe ! Damo.
Back 2 bikes
Hi Good news to see people coming back to bikes after a break. I had a few years break ( Kids ) from my ZX9 and my current R1, and it seemed like a lifetime. Good luck and stay safe. Damo.
03 R1 Light front end
I put an Ohlins Damper on my 2000 R1 then had the suspension set up at H.M Racing. changed the rear tyre to a 180 so it turnes in better and it handles a dream. Just to top it off I then put some soft compound K2 's on and off we go !!!! The only thing to point out is that the bike has been set up by yamaha from new and those guy's know what they are doing !! So if your gonna change anything, get it done by a pro ! The other thing you can do is stiffen up the damper. Cheers Damo.
- tell me
- hello...
Funny Stories
Its seems to me that when ever we go for a ride and stop for a chat we alway's end up laughing about that near miss !!!! The best funniest story has gotta be my 1st crash !! At the time I was living in Redhill and working in Guildford, I'd not passed my full test, was on my NSR 125 and thought I was Joey Dunlop ! A friend of mine had told me a few day's before " Your not a real rider until you've had your 1st crash " Red rag to a bull !! On the way to work on a nice and wet A25 I found myself riding over every white line, man hole and pile of crap I could find. Then just when I was not expecting it, Out jumps a member of surrey's wild life. On comes the front brake, locked up and down I go. Fuck me, that was fast. The next thing I remeber was break dancing down the midle of the road on my back and my pride and joy flying over a kerb then a brick wall into a garden. No damage done other than feeling like a right plonker but the bike was now second hand !! a role of sticky tape later and it was back on the road. I'll never forget my 1st !!!!!! Ride hard and safe !! !!!
Help with decals
Hello Mate Why bother keeping it standard ? make a few changes and stand out from the crowd a bit !!! keep it safe and fast pal !!! Damo
New Rider
Go for it son. I passed my test on my first bike ( NSR 125 ) then went down to Portmans in Guildford and bought an brand new FZR 600 R. It was the best thing I did, never had a close call and it was a good bike to improve on. Go for the R6, its got the power , brakes, handling etc. lay down as much power as you want and can handle. Damo
European Ride 2007
Any suggestions for routes accross Europe. I am off for a jolly up with some mates, some have ridden abroad before and some have'nt, but its alway's good to find twisty road and route suggestions. Would be good to hear your stories too. Cheers Damo
hi to all
Hello mate Welcome to the site. Glad to see you made the right choice of bike too. you're right about getting the knee down and the wheel up, its easy to launch and if your capable of getting your knee's down, then why not show off a bit ?? Nice one. Good luck with setting up the bike too, its a great bike to play with, I've added ram air, hindle the engine suspension has been set up by H.M and was dyno tested at just over 160 at the rear wheel and its f***ing great fun if you've got the nuts to use it all !!! get a photo set up mate, lets see !!!!! Asta la vista !!!!!!! Damo
Uk Clubs
Hello mate. If you ride an R1, then pop up to Box Hill in Dorking anytime, I've had my R1 for a while after upgrading from a ZX9C1. And i love it. I've got a gang of lads set for a trip around Germany, France and Spain next year, we all have R1s, GSXR1000's and a Hybusa. Not a club be you can find us at box hill on a sunday morning !! Be safe ! Damo
Hi Tony I've got a 2001 R1 and Just putting on some Racetech RR's for the winter. In the summer and for fast ride outs and track day's I would go for K 2's front and back. You can pick up a good set of pre warn tyres from a specialist 2nd hand dealer or pick them up from a track. If you get a set that have only been used to quilify, then they will still be good for 2000 hard miles. I've used them all summer and will pit another set back on in the spring, they are the best for hadr dry miles on an R1. Cheers damo.
R1 cam chain tension
I know F**K all about engines and how they work but the time has come when my bike with 17,000 miles is making some noises. I have been told by (Experts) other riders, that it could be my cam chain tensioner, and if I change that, then I should get the head skimmed, and the valves and stem seals done. what the F**k are they on about ????? Is it worth it ? who should I go to ? the bike is a 2000 model with Ram air, hindle full system and a few bolt on's, dyno tested at 160 bhp at the rear wheel with 90psi torque. basically its a bloody fast toy and I'm off to europe on a road trip next year. I'd like to see what extra power, if any I can find, so what should I do about stripping and re-building the engine ?? any suggestions ?? Cheers Damo ( Redhil, Surrey. )