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  1. andyamaha replied to Al Roby's post in a topic in The Bar
    hi ALyou could try joining the T R F Trail Riders Fellowship and they can supply maps.
  2. andyamaha replied to Al Roby's post in a topic in The Bar
  3. andyamaha replied to HAPPYHALLIDAY's post in a topic in Classics
    do you think a 175mx seat will fit ive got a spare 1
  4. andyamaha replied to HAPPYHALLIDAY's post in a topic in Classics
  5. andyamaha replied to ben125's post in a topic in General
    Hi Ben puzzling have you got your head gasket right way up also check your water pump.do have a thermostat as such only has a temp sensor in the head.
  6. andyamaha replied to Ronny's post in a topic in Naked
    are you sure the carbs were ballenced properly somtimes when carbs are out of sinc it sounds like an engine rattle.after all it wasnt there b4 you had them done.
  7. hi nick60 looks like that barrel is for an earlia model where the nuts that hold the cylinder are on the outside instead of through the barrel like ours hope that helps