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  1. Yea , the sissy bar is for traveling so I can put my pack there. It actually slides into the frame and uses 2 pins to hold it in place. When Im staying local it comes off and I have chrome caps for the frame.
  2. I know what your talking about. I was stationed at RAF Lakenheath from 1990-1992. I rode a Kawi Vulcan 750 all over England. Was one of my favorite places Ive ever rode.
  3. Hi guys , Ive been working on my bike all winter long. It finally looks like I want it to and now Im having engine problems. While riding when I get to high RPM's ( 40 mph 4th gear ) the bike starts to cut out and buck. It will be fine then stumble as it rev's up. It does this in neutral also. Here is what Ive done so far. pulled the carbs and cleaned them, also took air compressor and blew it all out. changed the main jet - no tears in the diapragm all rubber was good check for a vacumm leak and it was fine pulled petcock and cleaned it cleaned tank and put new gas with treatment in it had battery tested today and was fine. new spark pulg when this started ( spark plug is now turning black ( not oily ) ) I did notice when reving it up in neutral in the garage the headlight cuts in and out like the engine. When I first got it running I had a spark/short in the starter relay but dont know if that would cause it. I dont think its a fuel issue as Ive check everything to do with fuel. Anyone have any suggestions? Possible electrical ? Thanks for all your help in advance.
  4. Just thought I would introduce myself. Ive been reading all kind of info on here for a couple of months. Im building a bobber out of a SR 250 exciter and having a great time doing it. Im live in Pennsylvania and am finally getting some good riding weather here. Here's the bike so far.