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  1. cause heres a 1979 and the carbs on it look different than the ones i have http://www.streetbikerider.us/Pics14/20090202_1557997_1979_Yamaha_XS1100.jpg
  2. Hey i just picked up a i believe to be a 1978 yamaha xs 1100 the manuf. date on the frame says 10/78 so i dont if that means its a 79 then or 78 i dont have the title yet so i cant look at that. when i bought it the carbs where off in a box i got home tried to put them on and it seems like im missing something cause the carburators dont fit the intake boots so i think im missing a piece or maybe there not the right carbs any ideas mikuni kogyo on the side of the carb and mic on the other side <br> <br> <br>