Everything posted by trumpetdude
FJ1200. Still a usable tourer?
Great comments chaps, cheers! I'm currently breaking it down to the FJ /FJR, V-strom 1000, Vfr and CBF1000... Looking at lots of motorways... Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
Failing XJ600n - fueling? vacuum?
Cheers DT, I think it was just last summer they were checked, only managed about 3000 miles. Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
FJ1200. Still a usable tourer?
Cool, just about sold that idea! Now, what if I was to go ride one and then by chance found a newer FJR in my price range (unlikely I know but...) ho would they compare? . My divvy 6 is really easy to work on too, in fact, sounds like they came out of the same mould. Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
Failing XJ600n - fueling? vacuum?
Had a thread going on a Divvy forum which kinda ties it up for now. I think fuel starvation was the main cause. Seems to be ok now a full carb overhaul is in the future.. Here's the link to the finished thread.. (Couldn't get on to YOC on my phone hence finishing it on the Divvy club) divvylinky
Failing XJ600n - fueling? vacuum?
Possibly, although I've not heard it since. It did fire up (after a few attempts) about an hour after I got it back and revved and ticked over fine, it has got a noisy tappet at tick over /low speed so it may even have been this. I'll run it tomorrow with the seat off etc, get a look at the inline filter and see if I'm still get fuel in the air box. Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
Failing XJ600n - fueling? vacuum?
Aye, fuel pump can be heard priming too at switch on, just went through that system before the winter. Not had a chance to check vacuum and fuel lines properly yet. Cheers though, it will get a check any way. C. Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
FJ1200. Still a usable tourer?
Thinking of ditching the car for most of the summer. I'm really only on motorways and the divvy N is a bit small. Noticed a couple of old FJ's cropping up. Anybody still doing proper mileage on them? Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
Failing XJ600n - fueling? vacuum?
Cheers guys, I had just driven off a gravely car park so I'll cross my fingers on that one! So, just had a quick eyeball at everything plugs, lines etc and I've got fuel in the air filter, well sitting on top to be precise. I know it's fuel as I've just popped a bit of red ex in. I know it's not Mr Muscle but it can help. What is it that causes this problem again? It's a symptom of blow back from the carbs but why? (Happens to me with chick peas).
Failing XJ600n - fueling? vacuum?
So, not quite looking for answers yet but wanting to ask if I might be missing something off my list. Just heading out today and the bike began stuttering, (I did hear a tick tick tick sound just as I was moving off, though it may been a stone stuck in the wheel.) About 500 yards down the road the divvy stutters as though short on fuel, switched to reserve and it felt as though it was taking ages to come through. Long story short it eventually cut out. Checked the tank and there was fuel in it. Started after a couple of attempts, (actually put it back to main tank just uncase ), and headed home. Within about 200yards from the driveway it died, tried on reserve (whislt coasting bump and on the starter) and nothing. Thankfully I live down hill from that junction I've looked in the tank proper this time and there's definitely fuel in there, at least 2 litres, more than enough. Here what I'm thinking. Blocked vacuum / breather (The bike ran and revved freely on the stand when I got it home, albeit after opening the fuel tank). Blocked fuel filter / fuel line (Fuel filter was changed less than 1000 miles ago) Badly adjusted carbs (had a beautiful 60 mile ride at sun down last night, all through the power band with no problems) Carb diaphragm / vacuum - Hmm Air filter (Unless I'd hoovered up four leaves I doubt I'd have a total failure). Spark - Plugs, plug cables, CDI... (why would it fire fine at home - rev to 9k quite happily?) Anyone got anything else I could be missing? I'm really short on time for the rest of the day, and tomorrow, so I'll do a pokey visual check first. Cheers folks.
Not been on here in ages! XJ600n downshift
Hey peeps. All well? Just trawling info on really (stampy) heavy downshifts on the Divvy 600n, (98). I'm probably overdue a new clutch cable as I've got a wobbly lever but for now it's relatively fine on the upshift etc. Really just going into first. Any info grately appreciated.I may even buy you a drink!
Thinking of a new bike.
Ha! Nothing on but a shiny helmet... Ever ridden in Scotland? It's not the wind, rain, sleet, snow etc... Its the bloody midges! Even still, naked bikes all the way.
Thinking of a new bike.
Aye the XJR1200 is very close to the top of the list... Some eh?, interesting suggestions there!
Thinking of a new bike.
That'll be fun filtering...
Thinking of a new bike.
Recently seen a picture of myself on my 98 Divvy 600N and I look like Donkey Kong on a Monkey bike. I need something with a bigger frame at least, gotta be naked too. Really taken with the XJR. Also looking at the CB1300 & ZRX... Neither have to really recent. I'm wondering what else there is out there with similar frame sizes.... Big suzuki's are obviously in there too. Any suggestions peeps? Ta!
xj600n starting issue.
Got myself a partial loom so I just used the replacement main relay plug with inline crimp connectors, all taped up too. For good measure I've put a plastic wrap around the entire relay area to try tobprotect it from our glorious weather, not sure about this but I'll see how it goes. Pic to follow as I'm on my phone just now. Hopefully the bike won't die the first bump I hit! Cheers to all.
xj600n knocking + fuel question,
Oil should be fine. Just check level etc, probably needs a dam new good run. I've had a noisy tappet for the past 3000 miles and a rattley tensioner since owning the bike. You should be fine, they're pretty bullet proof. If you're really concerned run some redex through the tank, it'll help clean the system out.
xj600n bar risers
Tight risers bought, I thought I had plenty of play but it looks as though I'm going to have to do some rerouting. Lucky with the bike being naked and no fairing to snag but has anyone and experience of rerouting brake hoses etc? Anything to watch out for apart from the usual snagging etc?
xj600n starting issue.
Yup, blue and white. Corroded and snapped clean off. They're all looking a bit ropey so I'll just see if I can get a replacement block with connectors in better condition. Thanks!
xj600n starting issue.
Cheers Chaps, Just tested the relay and it's resistance appears to be nominal so I'll check out that blue white wire. Thanks! Cam.
xj600n starting issue.
So. Battery good, bike will bump start and when I press the button I just get the red oil light. Starter runs when attached to a straight 12V feed. All fuses appear to be fine and I bridged the starter relay, ignition off, (woo, sparky!) and the starter turned over. So I'm guessing this all points to the ignition switch? I'll check the relay as per Haynes guide lines tomorrow but anyone anything else to suggest? Cheers!
xj600n bar risers
Noted and thanks! Thankfully, the bars get nowhere near the fuel cap area.Anything to watch out for in terms of type or quality of risers?
xj600n bar risers
Hey ya'll. Been a while. I'm planning on fitting bar risers to the divvy, probably only 20mm as my back ain't that shot, yet. Next bike will be bigger! Will I have enough cable and hose play or will I need longer of each? Ta!
Broken down at the side of the A1 :o( XJ600N
So, staying with the fuel pump. When connected directly across the battery it pumps it's wee nut aff... I was curious as to why I'd never heard this with bike running. I connected it all back up do I could listen to it running. The pump only activates about once every 3 seconds at tick over and increased in frequency as the revs pick. You can see the puse of the fuel through in line filter. Does this operation of the fuel pump sound normal? I'm confident that the fueling side of the engine is working correctly and while the previous relay may not have been totally gubbed I'm wondering if it was a tad faulty / sticky. It'll be at least a week before I'll have some decent time to go for a ride or have a look at any other possibilities.
Broken down at the side of the A1 :o( XJ600N
Cheers. I'll see how I get one with testing today. Battery on a good charge again. Just wondering what the pump should sound like. I know it's a bit of a daft question but mine sounds quite 'gluggy'...
Broken down at the side of the A1 :o( XJ600N
Cheers guys. Just to clarify DT, by puter you mean the CDI? (as the divvy is pre injection)... (which I'm sure you know).