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Rune TT

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  1. I am sorry for not responding sooner, but you see I lost my inlog.data, and found it just now.. Thank you for your responds, and this is about a bike, not a waverunner.. =) BTW: I got a block from YZ490, and though the partnumber was different, I could still use that part..
  2. Hi =) I have a Yamaha WR500 from 1993, and have had a little accident where the chain broke pieces from the block .. Is there anyone here who knows a lot about Yamaha YZ490/WR500 engines? I need to replace this block, but it is impossible to find used WR500 parts. I have sometimes seen on e-bay that there are YZ490 parts I may can use, but then I'm not sure which models are the same as my WR? Another thing I wondered was if there are any parts that I can use from the YZ490, which can increase the effect on the WR500? All information will be received with thanks! If someone have an engine, or the part I need for sale, or know where I can buy it "not to expensive, it would be great too! I realy hope someone can be able to help me with this,because I was just finish restoring the whole bike when this happend!! PLEACE!!