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  1. guyster1973uk posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    hi folks i own a 06 ybr 125 i am trying to remove right hand side cover so i can get at the air filter to give the bike a complete service but the screw holding it on refuses to budge and the left hand clip that goes on to rubber at back of panel has been broken ( not by me ). anybody got any suggestions how to remove that screw and wheres best place to get new side panel colour matched to the bike?
  2. guyster1973uk replied to guyster1973uk's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    yeah lets just say i was as happy as a pig in s**t with getting that battery for a tenner. only thing that does concern me is my old battery was 5amp and the new gel battery is 6amp
  3. guyster1973uk replied to guyster1973uk's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    thanks for the advice mate. i phoned yamaha dealer near to me they wanted 60 quid for a gel battery for my bike (which i thought was expensive) i then phoned a another bike shop they wanted 30 quid for 1(which i was going to buy). i was told by a neighbour about a local motorbike scrapyard so i phoned them said i need a gel battery for a 06 ybr they said yeah we just got a 07 ybr in yesterday battery(YUASA YTX7L-BS) is fine holding a charge so i got the battery for 10 quid!! took it home installed it and bike fired up no problem. no more having to jump start it from car battery lol
  4. guyster1973uk posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    hi folks looking for a bit of advice im wondering i own a 06 ybr 125 (great wee bike)if i can change my headlight/side beam bulbs to xenon bulbs and what size/wattage would i need as i find the ybr 125 lights are terrible. was also wonderng if anyone knows if a gel battery will fit on my 06 ybr as the current battery is fecked(not holding a charge)
  5. guyster1973uk posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    hi folks. i own a ybr 125 bike 06 plate and the battery is not holding a charge so im gonna get a new battery and was wondering if anyone can tell me if the new gel battery's used in 07-onwards will be ok for my bike? im not sure if their diff voltage diff ampage or diff connectors to the old battery. its currently got the old traditional battery in it
  6. happy days!! we finally found the fault. there was petrol sitting at bottom of carburettor that didnt smell very strong( think it turned it sour after all it had been sitting doing nothing for 2 yrs in a garage) so we cleaned the jet and also cleaned the needle as well put it all back together bike started first time
  7. the engine does crank over it just wont start.ive been told by yamaha dealership if the heater plug is damaged theres a good chance the bike wont start up.had to order new part waiting on it coming into dealership £32 nearly fainted at the price for such a small part lol
  8. hello folks i recently bought a 06 yamaha ybr 125 from a family member. the bike wont start and i have noticed the heater plug going into carburettor has been damaged.would the heater plug prevent the bike from starting because ive been told by garages it should not stop it starting up and been told by other garages it should not stop it starting up. plz hlp lol.im a newbie to bikes