Everything posted by philmountains
I hope all's well tommorow Nev, you are getting on great with her, the mini head lights looked realy mean, shame you cud'nt keep it on, saying that your going to end up with a fantastic bike how the hell are you going to keep it clean LOL. All the best mate Phil
DT 175 MX Project
Thanks again Paul for all your hard work ,you are a credit to this forum mate. Well in the past I have had the same idea for covering up the pitting on the top part of the tubes ,yeh it does not look bad in the pics, but I think we all know that its going to look a bit of a bodge but you know begger's carn't be choosers !! Anyway I am getting the yokes sent over it has ended up costing £35 ish inc post so is not going to totaly ruine me LOL I did do a bit of checking myself and I am 100% sure the yokes/tree that are on there way are from a1981 dt as these have unlike the other yokes 4 lug like mounts 2 will be for the clocks bracket ,other 2 not to sure on? and i also did a search on the clock bracket and i got the No 1178891 on 79-80- 81 on the 1978 the 175 and125 had a bracket 1163343 "matt finish" the bottom tree/yoke 79-81 No's 1167836. Anyway whatever !!!!!the tube's will fit as there 32mmm yokes comming, I think i am getting a bit obsessive again. Eddie the loom well were do I start Electrics !!!!!!!!!!! Have so far managed to reserect a old cdi with ,cannot remenber now which /what colour exra wire but solder wire and heat shrink have gone into that job ! next is the stator plate it,s the one with a extra small coil in it the wires right up to the coils are knackerd brittle, bodged so going to have to redo from start ,good job I have a couple of old looms for connectors /colours etc..... Nev did a real"Proper" job, on his but lack of the folding stuff you know the script. So Eddie I am not the only insane person on this forum most folk just seem to do a rebuild Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh but that would be easy. All the best to you all and thanks again Paul will just see how the next episode goes all exciting stuff
New project DT 175
Yeh I did not even know that this model existed until a seller on ebay had a 90s dt 175 loom listed ??? got a pic of her. All the best with it Phil
DT 175 MX Project
Hi Paul thanks for chipping in, I already have 2 pairs of the standard forks but are both badly pitted on chrome ,going to see what my mate Jim in the states comes back to me with ,hope that there is nothing else different ?am sure clock,s bracket is same as Euro ? tube/bearing spindle ?
DT 175 MX Project
Just had another look at them, and without a mic or calipers !!!, standard Euro DT s are 30mm and the US leading are 32mm. The distance from top of fork to spindle center is the same so no ride height difference unlike the DT125 LC. one thing out of this is hopefully other forum members wont get caught in this trap, here goes my money saved for the paint !!!!!
DT 175 MX Project
Hi Nev thanks for having a look for me mate, no dont think 125 LC are the same, they are leading ,but sure they are different diameter ,I know you cannot fit them to the DT 175/125 MX yokes. I am doing a search US and there are by the looks 3 different yokes from 78-83 have contacted guy in LasVegas who I bought the forks off ,he is a decent chap fingers crossed !!! He would have thrown them in with the price but I was botherd about weight ,you know the main reason went for these(not our Euro type) was that there was no pitting,It still will take some doing to get up to £150 for Hard Chrome on my other pair. Thanks again Boys for your support in this high tensioned episode or should it be comedy drama !
DT 175 MX Project
Paul should re - do my topic how not to LOL !!!!!!! Paul do you know if the american 78 DT 125 is leading Type ?
DT 175 MX Project
Yet another word of warning to anyone out there wanting to swap there front forks to US leading type they dont fit, what a dick head !!!!!!!!I have no caliper,s at home but reckon that they are only a mill or two diff, but even brute force wont get them in, hope the post from the US to here won't be too bloody radiculous "SHIT"
Ahhhhh Nick that summat I hadn't thought on, I have no oil in mine at mo finger,s crossed for both of us, please keep me updated as save's taken in bits again. I would def sand down to get a key for primer and as Nev said use car filler for scratches before you prime ,oh and it.s best to use proper plastic primer, I have never bothered, but I have a pair of panels I painted years ago and the paint is cracked now so this poss down to not using proper stuff. As for paint ? I would have a good look at the cars etc...on the road, to try and match best colour ? that blue that you see Transits in is fairly close what do you think ?
Nev Re Neutral switch have you taken it out ? as on old the DT only is a contact onto gear selector barrel maybe just worn or oil ,muck ? I was around Malham area this morning and weather was great, bet it,s gunna rain tomorow though !. As for trails there are loads of Bridalways up here, but same as you down in Devon bikes keep off must admit some of paths etc are in a real state but def not motorbikes more like Tractors etc....... oh and like the syringe hope it was checked out before you used it LOL. al the best Phil
Hay Nev she looks realy nice, bet you cannot wait to start her up, you've done a proper job ther mate hope your feeling better and enjoy the sun whilst it lasts, Ive been for a walk this morning in the dales was lovely, I thinking about trails /bridalways you can ride on any ideas oh whilst on my walk (sorry again NEV ) hyjacker re my electrical prob you know I said there were extra wires etc ,wrong loom how,s this for a thought 100% reckon that the ignition swicth at work is a fit for this loom, the extra red on the engine stator part of loom I sure I have another Stator/coil plate "swap ? and the CDI am sure I have 1 of these a rough one with cut wire,s but fairly sure is the same if so and swap all these bits should be on a winner? All this from a few hours walk
Thats not a bad idea Paul on the smaller holes, could use number plate screws but have one thats a bit of a mess and a bit bigger than 6mm ,am sure can do something with it, and its by far ! not the biggest prob i have got, to get the DT finished.
My DT175mx
NEO Yamaha must have got something right 30 years and boys still drooll over em someone someware has them side panels of mine now, bet they look good now LOL could be yours. I have been onto the seller on ebay who sells the tank decals but only with125 on side panel only, he ,s told me he can change the 125 to 175 so lets hope he can, if he stuck 175 on sure he would sell more and maybe drop price a bit. Oh and I stopped counting how much I had spent on mine in 2004 plain barmy.
My DT175mx
Yeh she,s lovely, I am sick years ago I bought a pair of 78 side panels for pennies did not keep them ,think I sold pair for a tenner as wanted the newer type 79/83 I now have a 78 frame and have not seen any of these side panels in ages they are as rare as hell now. Love the tank decals bit of a fraud but there what I am going to stick on my 79
DT 175 MX Project
Hi Nev sorry to hear your not 100% mate, its a bummer when your not good I feel crap most days working shifts, its no dam good only the cash LOL,anyway you have something to look forward to geting the DTr finished Eh Re rod s stuck them in oven for 1/2hr, My mate told me to get them to 200deg + must have been near ?but they would have cooled down by the time i got over to welding shop, he uses a mini oven" he called it ? you know the things you keep arrows in ??????? to keep just a boxfull warm. Anyway had another look a wiring whilst having a smoke in garage stuck cdi to loom , and theres a extra red/yellow so def barking up wrong tree with this one, har well it only set me back $5.00, prob is time ??????? so if this is no good might as well, whist waiting (AGAIN ) buy some paint etc...... Keep in touch Nev and all the best to the rest Phil PS. how did you manage to get a pic up on your id I tried all sorts but woud only come up with failed and as for BP not given up yet. Oh -forgot to mention the bloody kickstarts stuck again !!! could the spring be knackered, needs more tension ? dt looks good with exhaust on though its been lying around homeless since 1995
DT 175 MX Project
Yeh Nev these buggers are tight, I fit front exhaust later on this afternoon and getting the little 6mm nuts on to the studs was a right pain ,or may be its that we have big workman mits LOL. Looks like painting/filling might be on the back burner again I bought another loom in Florida and well I knew as soon as I started to fit I was on a looser again ! have a extra red wire on the feed/loom to the generator and when in the headlight bucket got a big connector missing REDS etc........ feed to ignition I guess , I have another ignition switch but its at work so dont know if this one will be different, minus the extra connector have not bothered to take note of the number on cable, as think this loom might be 125 ? is the extra red for another coil in the generator ? PAUL youve helped me out here before Also Nev whilst were on you know I told you that I had got hold of a new packet of Low Hydrogen Rods ,why are they such a bugger to start is it anything to do with not using a DC set ?Imy mate the welder recomended them and you def can tell diff on Root ,he also told me to swaped leads round but cannot as they are wired straight into set (1950s Triangle air cooled big old thing) any suggestions appreciated boys All the best and the way your getting on Nev you will be finished for the 2 stroke gathering, that,s if you can aford the petrol/oil to get up from Devon LOL
Sorry to Hijack thread(as my mate Nev would say ) but seeing as were talking painting etc...........my rear mudguard is in a state extra holes , damage, whats the best for filling these prior to painting ? Oh and Nev got engine stuck in last night, was not too hard, hardest bit was hooking up Engine/carb to airfilter box forgotten how tight a job this was. Phil
Totaly agree with Paul you will not unless you buy new "REPO" find any decent panels out there ,even the States stuff exposed to the sun for 30 years is knackered now ,and have you seen the cost of a repo rear mudguard you would think they were made out of gold and not the same stuff plastic buckets are made from Nick just putting my engine back in and have had same prob with kickstater, taken side cover off coil spring nib still hooked into hole so removed lot and have just re-coiled spring and refit not too sure why this has happenend my theory of the end nib breaking off might be a whole load of crap !!!!!! LOL taken a pic and will upload for you to see All the best Phil BY the way anyone having trouble with new spell checker ?
DT 175 MX Project
Thanks again Nev,maybe second thought,s cheap and chearfull is not always the best way to go !!!! Yambits do a set for around a tener and I trust them they are not the cheapest but are great on customer care ,local ,and fast post I am on to it now might make the gathering yet LOL. And think your theory on the chip frying helped alot last night mate
DT 175 MX Project
So boys I can get a pair of .50 rings for £6.00 on Ebay and apart from wear there are no real gouges etc.. would it run ??? Nev will take a note on the right hand side bit ,might even be better if I stuck it in minus barrel ? Thanks again And Thanks again Nev your a real Gem to know Phil
DT 175 MX Project
Hi Neo I spotted these before, You know thats not that bad a price realy seen them on US ebay ,Singapour at $550 ,thing is no holes for engine bolts, so must just use standard nuts ? and if this is different what else Phil
DT 175 MX Project
Thanks Nev This barrel is 2nd over .50 a bit of damage to a fin, exhaust studs helicoiled out to 8mmm not the usual bodged job !!! but like i said a little bit bettter than the other 2 which are also on .50 if it was a original bore without damage i would def save, beg, steal, and get the job done right but well you know ,is it worth it (I AM NOT BUYING ANY MORE THIS IS GETTING SILLY LOL) glad to hear yours is comming on new engine,new frame, bet its looking like new now, did you get engine in without any damage to the frame ? all the best Phil
DT 175 MX Project
Well measured the wear on the bore and is nearly as bad as the others 1 thing at least I only paid £15 for this one, what do you guys think to just sticking a new set of rings in ? as money is tight LOL nearly zilch. Any advise appreciated Phil
DT 175 MX Project
All,s good in the hood !managed to burn it out last night at work then whilst hot painted it with some H/T paint brought back form US which cost around £2.50 a tin ,how much is it over here ,going to take new barrel to work tonight to check for wear FINGERS CROSSED !!!!!!!!
DT 175 MX Project
Thanks Nev I know what you mean will have a look next time in poundland, are there any internal baffels in the expansion chamber ?