Everything posted by philmountains
About to Buy a DT 175 Engine
Well had a similar issue the other week at work was left a job on night shift, a smallish compressor(well a bit bigger and heavier than your home type ones V twin) bust its mounts ,twice in same week 8mm bolts. I drilled out casting and fit 10mm Bolts, it still shakes like a pig on start up , but has not bust in a month, I wold defo go for as many mounts as you can get. Phil
DT 175 MX Engine Rebuild
Never ever do a bike build like this unless certified insane here are the pics !!!!! This is the worse and it errrrr piston The left bought from ebay years ago, comp with piston,bloody shame about fins ,you bet they snap if try to bend back! the right the original nice clean, straight fins just a big chunk missing from base can you see the bit missing ? can you see the slag hole on the exhaust port "quality control" also the droppy crow bar to the head fins This is were it all get,s stupid again want to use this crappy crankcase, cos the silly numbers stamped on it, match a frame I have(£25 in the post at mo to DVLA) but am not using at mo as the frame building is a hell of allot nicer, but will at some time in the fairy tale future with the help of the lottery win captain bodgit has been at it with his welding gun and let the big end run free ,or old broken rings have done some extra alloy removal work to it. here is the welding well paul did a bit off a job to a bloke at works laptop, and he,s only gone and given me a impact driver, so wont be looking in the locker ,there deff aint no more ,pressies comming out of them Just thought I would pop this pic on as I thought that the 125MX and 175 MX shared same bottom ends or is it a year thing again ? look at clutch basket and gear wheel at base of basket.
DT 175 MX Rebuild/Electrics
Well this might be a case of after the horse has bolted, as cut the wiring now(too Bloody close to multi block) Paul/Cynic you know you said it was a newer loom !!!!! well whilst thumbing old MMCs and DT articles noticed that the newer post 1980s have a extra on/off switch, is there by any small chance there are 2 sub harneses coming from the left hand switch there must be 2 more wires ,have a look at the pic this switch is the same as i have fit Also have a look at these 2 CDIs the biggy is defo 78 175mx vintage i have 2 more at this size cannot read Nos on side so reckon this needs a bit of sorting before I put fire to a engine
DT 175 MX Engine Rebuild
Hi All well having a break from the electrics saga, and sort of starting on the engines/s the one on the left is a 125MX the right one is the original 175 I started off with, and there is another one in bits under the bench,I have three 175 barrels all need something, be it bent fins on one ,this one has a piston at .50re boree this has been buggered with, one exhaust stud drilled out to 8mmm, but have made a 8 to 6mm stud,bores look ok, then I have another ,the original one with a chunk out of the bottom of the barrell unfortunatly just at the point were the cylinder head bolt fastens down, think .50re bore"only used vernier calipers so not 100%" but apart from that very clean and straight,then the last old and abused at ? think it was .70re rebore and scored and exhaust studs both 8mm but this could have the donor bit off alloy to re weld onto the original head. Waiting for a gasket set and cannot find my impact screwdriver so will be a bit of a sporadic start also yesterday strippeded down and rebuilt ignition switch as had a original yam key and ignition but had wires cut so matched up to a good base and wires ,also made up a 6volt battery charger out of a old push bike light charger ,that,s saved a few quid. will post a few pics of barrels son for your amusement/ appraisal. Read a artical in a old motorcycle mechanis on 175MX, never start with a basket case,oh Bo------cks
DT 175 MX Rebuild/Electrics
Hi "Paul" yeh it,s the old haynes up to 1980 I have also got the Clymer up to 83 .Starting to think this loom is more bother than it worth ?
DT 175 MX Rebuild/Electrics
Hi Old git "I realy dont like calling you that !" well I have gathered loads of bits over the years for the DT, remember I started this whole project in 1995 when was I given a box of large lumps for free, and the loom was not part of this so ? however I have 3x looms "at present" and one is definatly for 125mx as it has not got wiring for CDI whereas the other 2 including one now fitted has, might be wrong here but sure 125mx had points? yeh I have had quite a few of probs" guesswork" with wiring so far and is not finished/tested yet no "6volt battery charger" my last prob is the red and yellow wire, cannot find anything in the cliymer or Haynes for this wire ? and thats from ignition harness so god knows ? Note. oldgit not 1 scotch lock so far Going a bit of subject has anyone used the 2.5 mm aluminiun STICK welding rods as have some repairs to do on barrel only ever welded aluminium with Tig and this was years ago!!!! and was bloody difficult,I did not realy have the knack of it " I once was a coded gas and arc welder, ,also bent fins any advise ? And another "air filter" do you oil ,and with what ? Well have started looking at engine think might have to start new thread for this one !!!!!! Thanks for looking out for me old git, and as for am i OK well bit pissed off at mo, work for NHS as a Shift engineer ,well at mo, 11 to go this year out of out Dept,next April those left face £3500 a year pay cut and trust to save 11 1/2 million this year so things at work never been so Crap ,God dont you just love our Goverment LOL
DT 175 MX Rebuild/Electrics
DT 175 MX Rebuild/Electrics
I know <I know LOL !!!!!! scotch locks,insulation tape,240v cooker cable,strip connectors, spells one thing ! well front brake light switch arrived with 2 x bullet connectors I think this is wrong ? and have contacted shop to check out,I think I found connector for the switch 2 x brown 1 x green and yellow ,its the multi plug with the red and yellow thats got me puzzeled at the mo Thanks again Phil
DT 175 MX Rebuild/Electrics
Hi thanks for taking a look its not a new loom ,the number on the loom is 4J38259040 hopefully should get the front brake light swich today so will have another look then ,its definatly going to take a bit of time/scotch locks bullets and tape!!!!
DT 175 MX Rebuild/Electrics
DT 175 MX Rebuild/Electrics
Thanks for your help Old git have taken a few pics ,I reckon I have a harness missing "at least one" have taken a few pics but have to get of to work so will upload later . by the way think I might change my name to old git 2 as whilst searching cupboard at work found the Dt coil been looking for for a couple of weeks and 2 x rear break light switches and a rectifier which I both ordered new last week is this a sign of senility creeping in or is it just have too much junk and too many projects going on LOL Thanks again Phil
DT 175 MX Rebuild/Electrics
A plea to old git ,you don't by any chance have a pic/diagram of the wiring inside the headlight have connected most multi plugs up but still left with a load of wires ? only thing that have not got yet that goes into shell is a front brake light switch harness but have one ordered so that will fingers crossed get shut of a few wires, any help would be much appreciated. Thanks again Phil By the your last diagrams were a great help thanks
DT 175 MX Rebuild/Electrics
Just got back from Rufforth Auto jumble Nr York,well glad I did,nt travel along way ,saying that was worth entrance fee of £4.00 picked up a pair of nice Renthal bars for 6 quid ,a new DT MX 6volt battery for 12 quid inc acid(the only thing ticked of my list!),and poss best buy DT175 MX front exhaust pipe for a fiver,back mounting lug cut off but very little rust and never repaired so was def worth a punt, I was not 100% sure it was a DT exhaust but suppose thats the thing with Autojumble you take the chance. well back to Ebay. By the way got a responce from a breaker in the US for a pair of forks $150 + shipping he,s having a laugh !!!!
Another restoration...need parts for my 82 Beluga
Yeh things seem to last a hell of allot better in the states than they do over here in the UK, not my cup off tea, but all bike of a certain age seem to have the same probs, the scooter looks in good shape for its age, and this site is great for advise. Best of luck By the way your garage looks the same size as my house lucky bugger
DT 175 MX Rebuild/Electrics
Hi plastic gone a bit too far now ,old and weathered ,back to black silicon spray etc not having much effect ,back in the eighties i had some black PVC paint that worked realy well it etched itself into the plastic, so not like can spraying that rubs off.
DT 175 MX Rebuild/Electrics
Don't you just love it when your searching the house for that part you lost, and you find a part you didn't know you had !!!!! just found a pair of front indicators thats saved me a few quid ,still cannot find the dam coil though. Has any one got any magic ideas for refinishing old black plastic,like indicators and clocks. Thanks again Phil
DT 175 MX Rebuild/Electrics
thanks Oldgit ,those pics are great a hell of a lot better than in any of the manuals I have, am sure that there are loads of folk out there that will appreciate these. Whilst on I mentioned that I bust the Rectifisearchedhevil bayched evilbay and found plenty of Stanley Rectifiers but not one for 175mx only 125mx and it is marked up as DE 45 "they all are whatever model " the thing is the one I have is marked up DE 41 do you think that this is just a newer model. Thanks again Phil
DT 175 MX Rebuild/Electrics
Hi Cynic the engine is in my locker at work(in bits) so dont know what electrics are comming out of gen, not back in until Friday. Done a bit more tonight moved loom over to oil tank side,works better also matched up all wiring "I THINK!!!!!!!! but in doing so snapped off blade on Rectifier more money !will post a pic soon to see what you think. Thanks Phil
DT 175 MX Rebuild/Electrics
oooooooooooooo them fork tops look worse in these pics,that silver paint didnt make them look much better spent ages with a stanley knife blade scrapping
DT 175 MX Rebuild/Electrics
Thanks Cynic for your help and replies,have wired cdi up,and found original fuse/holder does this fix to the side of airbox by battery there is a mount but tight fit, also looks like this loom was a later one as it is leading me to fit cdi at top of inner mudguard (No Bracket) ,i was going to fit it by the flasher can.
DT 175 MX Rebuild/Electrics
I guess the wires on left go to generator /engine not sure yet were bunch of yellows etc.. on right go to yet?
DT 175 MX Rebuild/Electrics
DT 175 MX Rebuild/Electrics
Wow building your own loom was a big job are you a panel wirer? tried to upload pics not sure how ? do you need photo bucket or similar ? Thanks Phil
DT 175 MX Rebuild/Electrics
well I suppose been a bit lazy here ! figured out that the orange wire does go to blue on coil and 2 blacks earth to frame now new prob have lost original coil !!!!,but have a spare 6v that came in basket case ,its newish but it has a capacitor ?wired into it"can be unplugged" and having read up a bit the DT175mx does not have these, it was fitted to a MX though ? Also found on another old loom the extra wiring i was on about for back end, so getting a little bit further. Will post some pics soon, as I love to see others pics and you guys might spot a problem before I get too far. also whilst on with this post have not been able to fit air box correctly, just out on one screw hole frame not bent, or air box modded, reckon that must be slight difference in years? Thanks again Phil PS.going to Florida in July for holiday, anyone recommend any good breakers over there after a better set of forks and !!!!!!!!!!
DT 175 MX Rebuild/Electrics
Hi Just started to build bike up after painting frame ,well as mentioned before been on with this bike for years,and the bits came from all over the world, so it is hardly surprising that stuff is not compatible !!!!! well just for a start have stuck harness on and stuffed front end wiring into headlamp shell to worry about later, only 2 components which I have mounted are flasher relay and rectifier these fairly sure are in right spot , have a orange & 2 blacks which look like they go to coil is this correct ? also although this loom is intact it seems as though bits missing/short like rear lights wiring is this a separate loom/battery area ,cannot see any connectors to go to a battery ? ? I have Haynes & clymer manuals to help but a simplified bit of advise is appreciated. Thanks Phil