Thanks Paul. It's not the breather cap though. I opened it the first time it quit to make sure i wasn't out of fuel.(Check the obvious first. lol) Took it for a ride again today. Did the same thing. Tried pulling off the plug wires to see if it was getting spark and got shocked through the plug wire. Thinkin i may need new plug wires as well as plugs. But im still not sure that new plugs and wires are going to solve my problem. I guess i'll try it though and see what happens. Also it's not a plugged filter. I checked the filter and its clean. Also i could sit and watch fuel flow through the fuel line when trying to start it. I did the WD 40 test as well to check for a vaccum leak when it was actually running and idling. As soon as i sprayed some WD 40 in the carbs the engines rpm's dropped down and it almost stalled. Which usually indicates that there is not a vaccum leak. My best guess is that i got bad plugs or that my coil is not puttin enough juice to the plugs. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks for the help so far. It's very much appreciated.