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  1. smartass posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi, Hope someone can help as i'm running out of ideas! I have a '99 thundercat which starts up fine on all four cylinders. After around 5 minutes or after the bikes warms up I lose cylinder 1 and it mis-fires. I have checked and replaced the following ignition coil 1 & 4 replaced Plugs gapped and changed New Air filter Carb stripped and needle cleaned (head 1). Could it possibly be ECU/CDI Any ideas would be much appreciated. Thanks, Dave
  2. smartass replied to Prodigy's post in a topic in Naked
    Ebay is always an option, there is some shops also to have a look round, I was quoted £95 each from my dealer Hope this helps? Dave
  3. smartass posted a post in a topic in Naked
    Hi All, This is my first post, hope some one can help! I recently started my bike after the winter, it now has developed a misfire on cylinders 1 & 2, this has only occurred after the recent cold spell in November/December. I have also changed the plugs and air filter. I have checked the following: 1) Plug spark gap, earthed all four plugs individually, spark strong and blue on all plugs. 2) HT coils have been checked using a multimeter for continuity and were intact, haven't checked resistance. 3) Fuel filters cleaned and not blocked. 4) Throttle position sensor (TPS) is fine, bike idles at 1200 rpm and is stable when starts. 5) Fuel present in chamber as this runs down the inside of the exhaust on 1 and 2 cylinders. After start up, cylinders 1 & 2 were stone cold but 3 & 4 were v.hot. Anyone got any ideas, planning to check the ignition control unit at the weekend and the carbs for residue. Many thanks Dave