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Everything posted by screw

  1. screw posted a post in a topic in Classics
    Hi Can anyone help I have a German import RD350lc been dong some research myself. Has got the steering lock in the headstock. Seems that the german model did not have the steering lock incorparated in the ignition switch have searhed the german ebay site and found an ignition switch without the lock so my theory does seem to be correct. Someone has fitted an aftermarket ignition lock with the rectangular steeering lock facility. I have found the steering lock pin can be rectangular or round on different locks. No idea which one is right. So can anyone tell me which shape pin is right? as the one on my bike does not work, does not seem to locate into the frame at all. At the moment do not want to take it appart to investigate. Has anyone else come across this predicament? Is there an easy solution to get it to work? Would make life easier if it all worked off the igniton barrell. Thanks Screw
  2. screw posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Hello wondered if any one could help me. Does any one know where I can obtain a fixing kit for a Belly pan on a RD350LC 4LO please?
  3. Thanks Mate, Yes thats always an option! Are'nt they just fun to ride!
  4. Thanks Mate that is very helpful. I joined this in desperation to find an answer to this but I will come back again. I also have a Fazer 600 thats only done 30000, its the one with fox eye & thundercat engine. OK pushing my luck! Does any one know ehre I can obtain a fixing kit for the same RD350LC please? Thanks
  5. Hi I have a yamaha RD350LC that is leaking where you put the feeler guage, between the pump pulley and raised boss. Is there a repiar kit for this does anyone know please? If so does anyone have part numbers of what I need please? The parts book does not break down the pump assembly. Thanks Screw