Everything posted by gazandjen
My recent bobber build. OLD SCHOOL
Yep, exact one. Just cut down with an angle grinder
Xvs 650 bobber Build
love the peanut tank. Thinking of doing one myself!! How does it sit with the cone filters?
My recent bobber build. OLD SCHOOL
bought off ebay and just shaped it. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/120845460425?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
My recent bobber build. OLD SCHOOL
I looked for pics of your betty. Do you have one?
My recent bobber build. OLD SCHOOL
I did enjoy this ol thing. Triumph bars and end cans. Custom alligator seat and a bare metal strip down.
Working on a XVS650 Chopper
Yep she has gone to new owner....new project soon i am sure
Working on a XVS650 Chopper
Tamron 17-50/2.8 Tamron 17-50/2.8 All completed now - leaving the exhausts as too much faffing to cut down.
Working on a XVS650 Chopper
cool thanks. Gone for a bobber style seat but try to make it sit flush. Might cut the exhausts down if I can without too much hassle.
Working on a XVS650 Chopper
Just about done, waiting on my seat....
Working on a XVS650 Chopper
Thanks but I am going to have a flush seat for the chopper
Working on a XVS650 Chopper
oh and this is my previous bobber project a short clip
Working on a XVS650 Chopper
I have Been bobbered to death now so putting some apes and sorting out the rear soon. Going to lose the indicators for an easy rider look She is pretty clean though and oh so comfy on the ol apes.
My Dragstar 650 Custom '02
A very nice example there.
will xvs classic front wheel fit standard xvs
thanks for the help. Not gonna fit darn...
will xvs classic front wheel fit standard xvs
Sorry, i meant just the font wheel
will xvs classic front wheel fit standard xvs
Hi anyone know if the 16" fat front will fit the standard xvs650.
Black & silver number plates.
Well my friend got pulled last week for a black plate silver letters on a 94 bike...£100 fine
Cafe Racer Yamaha TR1
yeah ok thanks but it is such a shame about the bike it was making me grin when cruising along. Driver admitted to it being his mistake...
Cafe Racer Yamaha TR1
RIP ol Girl....... Had a car pull out on me friday... T-Boned and flew over the car and landed pretty hard. Bike was totalled I actually shed a tear for a bit.... whislt lying on the floor awaiting an ambulance, and it wasn't from the pain
Cafe Racer Yamaha TR1
Plate and light fitted... just about there now. I am quite sure the nortons had the front dimples for the clipons
Cafe Racer Yamaha TR1
gave it a little tester. Vid seems poor quality, not sure why
Cafe Racer Yamaha TR1
Er its just for show ...... i have the original too
Cafe Racer Yamaha TR1
cool thanks. To be honest there is alot of overkill on cafe racers now days. Mine is not perfect by any means but it is a giggle to ride. I took it down the lane the other day and it feels pretty tight.
Cafe Racer Yamaha TR1
A couple more pics then
Cafe Racer Yamaha TR1
Thanks for the comments. It says yamaha on the tank. I haven't fitted the tail light yet but will sit just under the seat along with a black and silver no. Plate