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  1. jozovi posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    what is the float level measurement for an 82 maxim xs400j?
  2. jozovi posted a post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    New to the site. I have a 1982 Maxim XS 400 J. I've owned it since 86. It sat the last couple years since I upgraded to a bigger cruiser and needs a little bit of tweeking to get running sweet again, so that's why I joined this site. Hope to get some help/tips to get on it again. Thanks in advance.
  3. jozovi posted a post in a topic in Naked
    Looking for a site which could tell me carb specs for my 82 xs 400j Maxim. Mainly need float level measurement. Looking for any other specs that can be found also for tuning purposes (valve adjustment, etc.) thanks.
  4. jozovi posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Rebuilding my carb for my 400 Maxim and wondering what the float measurement should be. Also looking for any downloads which would give me other carb/engine specs.