Everything posted by dibeydude85
Yamaha Roadtests!
hmmm what id give to have some of the roads the US has...and the land!!! green laning all the way !!
Yamaha Roadtests!
yeah you have to like your bike in a way cause with that comes respect, that and you'l try your bloody hardest not to drop it!! i personally think the fazer 4 is a sexy beast might get one once i get my test... maybe you should try an RS250
Good road tyres for the DT
id imagine road tyres would look a bit naff on DT, i was looking for some road biast dual purposes... i found these avon things, not the gripsters its like distanzia or some crap and they look meaty but put a lot of rubber down at the same time...
Good road tyres for the DT
dammit man, you gotta stop sharing this information!!
Yamaha Roadtests!
excellent review of the fazer 400, that guy who wants the R6 whould read that i always thought they were good but it really puts it into perspective that review
Good road tyres for the DT
pmsl glad to hear it unmutual no biker should...
Good road tyres for the DT
:shock: you seem to know a little too much about these unholy incarnations...have you ever slipped one on your rim?
Good road tyres for the DT
Mozz, how much do the Pooftahs Jonnies for Dirt tracking cost??
Good road tyres for the DT
yeah that wonderfull english summer weather is returning in the comming days...sigh...better get the old water proofs out... i looked for those tourances on the site but they didnt make the size i need for DT shame cause they looks the nuts!! i gotta find some more tyres though, and good ones!!
2003 model DTR125
i dunno didly squat about the 03's, dont they have leccy starts????
Good road tyres for the DT
Mozzy your supposedly the man to talk to about DT's and their many possibilities, but anyone else who has tried out a good set of grippy tyres for it please post and let me bloody know!!! Trailwings suck!!!
Petrol prices
just tell everyone you know not to buy from esso and BP, i go to Texaco and it suits me fine cause they are a helluva lot more friendly than the ...ahem...immigrants in the Esso garage... :?
Petrol prices
not sure if im allowed to do this or if you lot know about it already, but this came in the email this morning and it seems like the best option for petrol prices We are going to hit close to 89p a litre by the summer. Want petrol prices to come down? We need to take some intelligent, united action. Here's the idea: For the rest of this year, DON'T purchase ANY petrol from the two biggest oil companies (which now are one), ESSO and BP. If they are not selling any petrol, they will be inclined to reduce their prices. if they reduce their prices, the other companies will have to follow suit. But to have an impact, we need to reach literally millions of Esso and BP petrol buyers.
DT...cornering??...takes the mick
it was that i just didnt expect is, i saw the big black and white arrows for the bend and it didnt sink in, for the rest of the journey i did keep a bloody carefull watch for them though, so i learnt in that respect, i didnt know the route so its always a bit of a gamble going round a blind bend -cheers you lot, although im tempted to invest in some road tyres now...
Say hello.......
damn...dont do that sizes i dont think, shame they looks really good... got any ideas for good tyres for the DT???
castle coombe jap fest
but he's not gay... which means your shit outa luck :shock:
DT...cornering??...takes the mick
:oops: yeah i guess... on the way back i took it fine, on the screw up it came out of nowhere, i panicked and buggered it up...
Say hello.......
bloody hell you reckon you could get them for the DT??? they look the muts... am sorta fed up of locking up on trailwings... :?
DT...cornering??...takes the mick
just came back from the tumbridge wells rounds, very nice round, was with my mates on 400's, and they were leaning and stuff, all very nice... so anyway, unfamiliar territory put me on this fast twisty road which was much fun til i reached this Unholy corner at 50 on a DT..... Good gravy i'v never filled my pants so fast before.... LOCKED THE BACK BREAK :shock: , LOCKED THE FRONT :shock: ...WENT STRAIGHT ON DOWN INTO SOME GUYS DRIVE HALF WAY THROUGH THE CORNER, finally came to a stop and theres this old guy stairring at me questionning me about speeding in a 30 zone... bloody 400's and there grip i tell you, :? other than that was a good ride.
sweet im also a fan of the golds and getting them as soon as i bloody get paid....thursday
excellent!! man i need some renthals... what colour you get?
Say hello.......
:shock: i.e. Suicide on steroids...
Say hello.......
man that is a cool bike = nice one! popped a wheelie yet??? [sorry am a bit shallow]
Thinking of an XT600!
now that you mention it..... that swingarm does sorta look familiar, mind you so does the forks, the disks, calipers but yamaha components are usually pretty good anyhow... :?
Thinking of an XT600!
in a mag i have it says its shiete for off road apart from long touring stuff like aussie or something.... but right at home on english roads looks like an oversized DT, i like it ! and its not the new one with those double exhaust bollocks all over the place